In a recent episode of the popular talk show, “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” actor Hugh Grant opened up about being typecast in romantic comedy roles. The lively conversation covered various topics, including his dislike for Christmas, his 83-year-old father’s fitness journey, and his love for collecting contemporary art. Grant also discussed his limited acting range and the challenges he faces in finding roles outside of romantic comedies.

Grant’s self-deprecating humor shone through as he discussed his experiences on set and his tendency to cry during movies. He shared anecdotes about working with actress Sarah Jessica Parker and his admiration for her voracious appetite. The conversation also touched on his love for shooting guns, a skill he learned from his Scottish grandfather at a young age.

The discussion then turned to his latest movie, “Did You Hear About the Morgans?,” where Grant plays a high-achieving New York couple who witness a murder and are placed in the witness protection program. The film takes a comedic twist as the couple adjusts to small-town life in Wyoming and encounters wild animals.

Throughout the interview, Grant’s honesty and wit were on full display. The actor addressed personal questions about his bachelor status with a mix of humor and evasiveness. While he acknowledged the need to settle down, he didn’t provide any specific reasons for his single status.

The episode provided viewers with an entertaining and candid look into Hugh Grant‘s life and career. His charm and self-awareness shone through in his interactions with Jonathan Ross, making for engaging and enjoyable television. Fans of Grant’s work and those curious about his personal life will undoubtedly find this episode of “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” to be a must-watch.