Stand-up comedian Saul Trujillo made his late-night debut on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and his performance had the audience in stitches. Trujillo kicked off his act by addressing a common misconception – he is not the woman who killed Selena. For those unfamiliar with the reference, Trujillo jokingly urged them to Google “lady who killed Selena” to understand the curse attached to that name.

Sporting a mullet, Trujillo humorously commented that he’s not even from the South where mullets are popular, but rather from Stockton, California, known for its agriculture. Describing his mullet as a “cherry-picking mullet,” he hilariously remarked that it didn’t come with a green card. Trujillo continued to entertain the audience, comparing his mullet to a missing child’s poster in the front and the guy who kidnapped the child in the back.

As a first-generation Mexican, Trujillo shared a personal anecdote about his father, who was an illegal immigrant. He joked about his father crossing the border and saying, “Safe, okay, no takesies backsies.” Trujillo even lightened the mood by revealing that his father left him a salsa recipe on a bar napkin before passing away, showcasing his Mexican heritage.

Despite his Mexican roots, Trujillo confessed that he still loves Taco Bell with his whole heart. He playfully defended his fast food preference, acknowledging that while it may not be authentic Mexican cuisine, he likened it to the Beastie Boys – not authentic but undeniably talented.

Trujillo also shared some hilarious insights into his married life. He revealed that although he doesn’t wear jewelry, he has his wedding ring tattooed on his finger. He humorously imitated a Southern bell, asserting that he is spoken for. Trujillo then recounted a less-than-ideal honeymoon experience on a cruise ship, during which he discovered that he’s not a “cruise person.” He joked about the Cruise nerds in front of him, reciting random facts about the ship while he wondered if it was because the passengers were four times bigger than those aboard the Titanic.

Embracing his self-deprecating humor, Trujillo acknowledged his unconventional physique and compared himself to a Ziploc bag full of salsa. Despite feeling self-conscious, he vied for attention at the pool, sarcastically stating that he felt like the “bell of the ball” among all the attractive passengers on board.

Trujillo hilariously quipped that the experience reminded him of the Titanic, with people dressed in their finery, violins playing, and exquisite dining. However, on his Carnival Cruise Line, he encountered a rascal scooter rider with scuba gear making outrageous statements about her choice of cruise.

Wrapping up his act, Trujillo playfully shared that he prayed for the ship to sink, humorously exclaiming, “Where is the iceberg? This is too much!” He concluded his set with a big laugh from the audience, leaving them eager for more.

Saul Trujillo‘s late-night debut on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert showcased his comedic talent and relatability. Fans can catch his debut special, “Yolanda,” set to release on January 21st, and his live tour tickets are available at