During a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show, Rami Malek shared a hilarious story about pretending to be his twin brother, Sammy. The Bohemian Rhapsody actor revealed that he and his brother were born identical but started to differentiate as they got older. However, to the untrained eye, they still looked quite similar.
Malek confessed that he and his brother took full advantage of their resemblance, especially during their younger years. One particular incident had Malek stepping in to help his brother with a test he was struggling to pass at UCLA. Despite not studying the subject himself, Malek successfully took the test on his brother’s behalf.
The actor explained that Sammy was studying Greek studies but was on the verge of not graduating due to his difficulties with the subject. Sammy’s teacher had offered him the points he needed to graduate if he could deliver a Greek monologue from a tragedy. Knowing that he had recently studied Greek tragedy in acting school, Malek volunteered to take the test on his brother’s behalf.
Malek recounted the nerve-racking experience of impersonating his brother during the test. He followed a crude map drawn up by Sammy, which led him to a large auditorium, expecting a small classroom. Despite the unexpected audience, Malek delivered the monologue, gradually gaining confidence as he received applause from everyone present.
However, Malek’s triumph quickly turned into concern when the professor approached him with a skeptical look on her face. She asked when he had learned to deliver such a compelling performance. Malek brushed it off, claiming it was just a hobby, but the professor asked him to stay and perform for her next class.
Seizing the opportunity, Malek playfully declined, citing a need to attend to his car in the red zone. Nevertheless, Sammy successfully graduated thanks to Malek’s help, and the brothers went on to celebrate the achievement together.
This light-hearted anecdote shared by Rami Malek during his appearance on The Graham Norton Show showcased the mischievous bond between him and his twin brother. It highlighted their willingness to support and entertain each other, even if it meant bending a few rules along the way.
If you’re a fan of celebrity talk shows and enjoy humorous stories about sibling antics, this segment from The Graham Norton Show featuring Rami Malek is definitely worth watching.