In a recent episode of the popular talk show Conan O’Brien, fans were treated to a delightful reunion between Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, and John Ratzenberger. The trio, who famously worked together on the hit TV show Cheers, shared memories and stories that brought a sense of nostalgia to viewers.
As the conversation unfolded, it became clear that the bond between these actors is still strong. From the moment Ratzenberger joined the show, it was evident that he and the rest of the cast had a special connection. The chemistry on Cheers was undeniable, and it’s heartwarming to see that their friendship off-screen has endured over the years.
The conversation turned to reminiscing about their time on Cheers. The cast members expressed their love for the show and how much they enjoyed working together. Ratzenberger particularly highlighted how much he enjoyed reading the scripts, noting that he deliberately didn’t read them until they were all together on set. This allowed for a sense of surprise and excitement as they discovered the twists and turns of each episode.
One of the standout moments of the interview was when Ratzenberger shared stories about his audition for the role of Cliff Clavin. He recounted how he had no prior experience with auditions and felt like he didn’t know what he was doing. In an effort to regain his dignity, he made the casting directors laugh by improvising a line about his character being a know-it-all at a bar. Little did he know that this impromptu moment would lead to him landing the role that would become one of his most iconic and beloved characters.
The conversation also touched on Ratzenberger’s passion for speechifying. He spoke about his advocacy for bringing back shop classes in schools, emphasizing the importance of teaching practical skills such as carpentry. Ratzenberger passionately explained that there is a growing shortage of skilled tradespeople, leading to problems in industries such as construction and transportation. He even spoke in front of Congress to raise awareness about this issue.
As the interview drew to a close, Ratzenberger shared his love for the French filmmaker Jacques Tati. He spoke about how Tati’s silent physical comedy influenced his portrayal of Cliff Clavin, particularly in the way he used body language to convey humor. Ratzenberger also shared some humorous anecdotes from his personal life, including his decision to move his family to an island in Washington state to expose his children to a different way of life.
The interview concluded with a hilarious and memorable story involving a boating adventure gone awry. Ratzenberger, Danson, Harrelson, and their fellow Cheers cast members decided to play hooky from work and spend a day on Ratzenberger’s boat. However, their plans took a turn for the worse when Danson and Harrelson consumed a significant amount of mushrooms, leading to a rather eventful and bumpy boat ride.
Overall, the reunion between Ted Danson, Woody Harrelson, and John Ratzenberger on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show was a wonderful trip down memory lane. The camaraderie between the actors and their shared experiences on Cheers made for an entertaining and lively conversation. It’s evident that the bond they formed during their time on the beloved sitcom has remained strong, and their reunion brought back a sense of nostalgia for fans around the world.