Hank Azaria, the talented actor known for his roles in shows like “The Simpsons” and “Ray Donovan,” recently made an appearance on the popular talk show hosted by Conan O’Brien. Azaria, who plays a morally complex character on “Ray Donovan,” revealed that his character enjoys group sex and wife swapping scenes. This sparked a conversation about how Azaria approaches shooting such scenes and the awkwardness he feels.

Azaria humorously shared that while he has suggested orgies on “The Simpsons,” they were never approved. However, he was thrilled to finally have the opportunity on “Ray Donovan.” When asked about his experience shooting these scenes, Azaria admitted that it is a bizarre and uncomfortable situation. To lighten the mood, he revealed a piece of advice he borrowed from Tom Hanks. Before shooting a sex scene, Hanks would apologize to his co-star, saying, “I apologize if I do and I apologize if I don’t.” Azaria found this to be a clever way of acknowledging the potential awkwardness that comes with such scenes.

During the conversation, Azaria also discussed a scene from “Ray Donovan” where his character realizes he has gotten himself into a tricky situation. The clip highlights the tension and drama of the show, with Azaria’s character fearing the consequences of his actions. While this particular clip may be mildly censored due to explicit language, Azaria assured viewers that the show itself is much more exciting.

It is always a pleasure to have Hank Azaria as a guest on Conan O’Brien‘s talk show. Fans can catch “Ray Donovan” on Showtime every Sunday night at 9 o’clock. With its intriguing storyline and talented cast, including Azaria, this show promises to keep viewers hooked. So, don’t miss out on the thrilling drama of “Ray Donovan” and be sure to tune in!