Famous actor and filmmaker Ben Stiller recently made an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to discuss his role as director and producer of the highly anticipated season two of “Severance.” Stiller, known for his work in popular franchises like “Meet the Parents,” “Madagascar,” and “Night at the Museum,” sat down with Colbert to talk about his latest project.

As the show began, Stiller expressed his heartfelt concern for the devastating situation in Los Angeles, where wildfires had wreaked havoc on the city. He commended the First Responders for their efforts and sent love and support to all those affected.

Moving on, Colbert asked Stiller about his holidays, to which he replied that he enjoyed spending quality time with his family at their home in Westchester. The conversation then took an interesting turn when Stiller revealed that during their downtime, he made his children watch his own movies. Apparently, it was a fun experience for everyone involved.

But the real highlight of the interview came when Stiller unveiled his latest purchase – William Shatner‘s tunic from “Star Trek.” Stiller, an avid Star Trek fan, proudly showed off the tunic worn by the iconic James T. Kirk in the “Enemy Within” episode of “The Original Series.” He then proceeded to share additional Star Trek memorabilia, including an intercom from the Enterprise and the head of the Gorn creature. Being a fan himself, Colbert appreciated Stiller’s enthusiasm for the beloved sci-fi franchise.

Colbert couldn’t let the opportunity pass without mentioning Stiller’s show “Severance.” Stiller divulged that his kids served as the test audience for the show during its production. He even showed them episodes and sought their feedback. To everyone’s delight, a clip from the upcoming season was revealed, giving viewers a sneak peek into the exciting new episodes.

In addition to “Severance,” Stiller also shared some exciting news about a rewatch podcast he started with Adam Scott. The podcast covers each episode of the show’s first season leading up to the premiere of the new season. Colbert immediately seized the chance to secure an invitation to be a guest on the podcast, to which Stiller gladly agreed.

The interview ended with Stiller expressing his gratitude for appearing on the show and teasing the audience to stick around for more. Fans of Stiller and “Severance” surely have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming season.

With his infectious enthusiasm and engaging stories, Stiller’s appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” was not only entertaining but also gave fans a glimpse into his latest projects. As the anticipation for the new season of “Severance” continues to build, Stiller’s involvement as director and producer guarantees an exciting and memorable viewing experience. Stay tuned for more updates on the show and make sure to catch Stiller’s rewatch podcast for some behind-the-scenes insights and special guests.