In a recent episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show, Kevin Bacon and Sara Rue made a guest appearance, adding their own lively and entertaining flavor to the talk show. The episode started off with Ellen jokingly suggesting a funny opening skit involving food puns, referencing Kevin Bacon‘s last name with lettuce and tomato. However, Kevin didn’t mind the food joke and even played along, creating a fun and light-hearted atmosphere.

Throughout the episode, Ellen engaged with the audience, encouraging them to get to know their neighbors sitting next to them. She emphasized the importance of being polite and friendly to those around us, as you never know when you might need their help or support.

Ellen also shared some humorous stories from her own neighborhood, highlighting the quirks and idiosyncrasies of neighbors. From the neighbor with the constantly barking dog to the ones who always had people over, Ellen added her unique comedic touch to her observations.

Aside from the neighborhood talk, Ellen revealed her new smartphone chip and showcased her excitement about it to the audience. However, to her surprise, the chip went missing, and she expressed her distress and confusion about how it disappeared in a room full of people. Nevertheless, being the consummate professional, Ellen continued with the show, although the incident left her determined to find out who took her chip.

After a commercial break, Ellen welcomed Kevin Bacon to the show. They delved into various topics, including Kevin’s country retreat and his adventures with wildlife, such as his dog getting skunked. They also discussed Kevin’s passion for music and his band, The Bacon Brothers, whose new album, “White Knuckles,” was just released.

Later in the episode, Ellen playfully teased Kevin about his past modeling career, showing some hilarious teenage modeling photos. Kevin took it all in stride, adding to his already likable and down-to-earth personality.

Wrapping up the show, Ellen announced a surprise for engaged couple Alicia and Jared, who had written to the show previously. She promised them an unforgettable experience, keeping the audience and viewers eagerly awaiting the big reveal.

Overall, this episode of The Ellen Degeneres Show had everything fans love about the chat show – laughter, surprises, and the opportunity to get to know some of their favorite celebrities in a fun and engaging way. With Kevin Bacon and Sara Rue adding their charm and humor, it was an episode not to be missed.

Originally aired on October 13, 2005