Denis Leary made a hilarious appearance on the talk show ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live‘ recently, where he shared some entertaining stories about his past. Leary, the well-known comedian and actor from Boston, discussed topics ranging from his time as an altar boy to his show ‘Going Dutch’ and filming in Ireland. The interview was filled with laughter and anecdotes that kept the audience thoroughly entertained.

Leary started by reminiscing about his days as an altar boy, revealing that he was one for seven years. He even joked about being excommunicated supposedly because he gave up Lent for Lent when he was just 14 years old. Leary and Kimmel humorously discussed their Catholic upbringing and the quirks of being altar boys. Leary’s story took a hilarious turn when he recounted a time when he and a friend got drunk on the holy wine before a funeral mass. The escapades that ensued had everyone in stitches, including Leary’s exasperated parents who had to deal with the fallout.

The conversation shifted to Leary’s show ‘Going Dutch’, which he described as similar to being a modern-day General Patton. In the show, he plays a character who unknowingly insults The Joint Chiefs of Staff in a secret videotape and gets excommunicated. He is then sent to a non-combat base in the Netherlands, which is based on a real base that got shut down due to various vices such as drugs and prostitution. Leary praised his co-star Halston, who plays a tech whiz on the show, for his comedic talent and improvisation skills.

Leary also touched upon filming in Ireland and the significance it held for him personally. His parents were both from Ireland, and they immigrated to the United States in 1950. Leary’s mother, who is still alive at 98 years old, was particularly proud to see her son working on a TV show in the country her family came from. Leary shared how every day on set, he would encounter people with Irish surnames, many of whom had connections to his own relatives. It was a heartwarming experience that made him appreciate his roots even more.

The interview ended on a light note, with Leary and Kimmel joking about the long gap since Leary’s last appearance on the show. They both agreed not to let it be another 10 years before he returns. Leary left the audience chuckling and eagerly awaiting the season finale of ‘Going Dutch’ to see what kind of mischief his character will get up to next.

Denis Leary‘s appearance on ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live‘ was a delightful blend of laughter, storytelling, and reminiscing. Leary’s natural comedic timing and charm ensured that the interview was thoroughly enjoyable for everyone involved. Fans of Leary and his show ‘Going Dutch’ will no doubt be excited to catch the season finale, which airs tomorrow night on Fox and is available to stream on Hulu the following day.