Cher Lloyd, the former X-Factor contestant who rose to fame in the British music charts and later found success in the United States, appeared on the popular talk show, “Alan Carr: Chatty Man,” recently. The interview was filled with laughter, anecdotes, and a candid look into Lloyd’s life.

Opening the interview, host Alan Carr introduced Cher Lloyd to a round of applause from the audience. Lloyd, known for her unique style, sported colorful sunglasses that she jokingly referred to as “not pretty” when she bent down. The interview started on a light note, with Carr offering Lloyd a drink. She opted for a Caribbean twist, forgoing tequila, which she said would cause trouble if mixed with her hit single “Swagger Jagger.”

Carr and Lloyd reminisced about their previous sketch together and shared a laugh. Lloyd mentioned that Carr portrayed her better than she did herself. The conversation then shifted to Lloyd’s journey since being on X-Factor. Astonishingly, it had already been four years since her appearance on the show. Lloyd expressed disbelief at how quickly time had passed.

Known for her spunky personality, Lloyd addressed her reputation as a diva on the show. She playfully dismissed the notion and lightheartedly suggested that judge Louis Walsh was the real diva. Reflecting on her behavior during that time, Lloyd admitted to feeling somewhat embarrassed by her past actions. She attributed her behavior to feeling isolated and misunderstood, wrapped up in a bubble that made her rebel against interviews and anything she perceived as negative.

Moving forward, Lloyd talked about the challenges of fame, being thrust into the industry at such a young age. She mentioned feeling like she, along with other contestants, had been forgotten once One Direction emerged as the frontrunners of the show. Lloyd then discussed her encounter with Taylor Swift, which she found surreal. She admitted to feeling out of place in Los Angeles, standing out amidst the glitz and glamour.

The conversation took a deeper turn as Carr brought up Lloyd’s second album, “Sorry I’m Late.” The lead single, “Sirens,” had a dark tone, which prompted Carr to ask if the lyrics were autobiographical. Lloyd explained that the song drew from personal experiences but assured the audience there wasn’t an actual raid on her house where she burst into tears, despite the realistic portrayal in the music video.

Throughout the interview, Lloyd’s down-to-earth personality shone through. Carr commended her for maintaining her authenticity despite her growing success in the US. Carr jokingly teased Lloyd about her eating habits, citing an Instagram photo of her enjoying a quaver and white bread sandwich. The pair ended the interview with an invitation for Lloyd to come back and perform on the show.

The episode, which featured Cher Lloyd as a guest on “Alan Carr: Chatty Man,” showcased the singer’s growth since her X-Factor days. Lloyd proved she has not only matured as an artist but also retained her unique charm and infectious personality. As fans eagerly await her next musical endeavor, it’s safe to say that Cher Lloyd has transitioned from the X-Factor stage into a star in her own right.