In a recent episode of the popular talk show, Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, David Beckham‘s Christmas gift dilemma was the main topic of discussion. Host Jonathan Ross started off the conversation by jokingly complimenting Beckham on his buff physique, to which Beckham responded with a laugh. The conversation then turned to the upcoming Christmas celebrations and whether Beckham and his family were excited. Beckham revealed that they were looking forward to spending Christmas in London, where their family and friends are.

Ross then asked Beckham what he planned to buy his husband, Victoria Beckham, for Christmas. Beckham admitted that he had been thinking about it for hours, realizing that it could be challenging to find a suitable gift for someone who seems to have everything. Beckham mentioned that in previous years, they had been quite extravagant with their gift-giving. However, this year he wanted to give something more homely and friendly, like a nice pair of slippers.

Ross playfully asked Beckham what he thought Victoria might be buying him for Christmas. Beckham confessed that he has no idea and commented that his husband is known for being incredibly generous and surprising him with gifts. He admitted that Victoria is more extravagant when it comes to gifts, while he tends to be more sensible.

The conversation then shifted to the tabloid rumors and speculation surrounding the couple. Beckham revealed that while it can be hurtful and inaccurate, he doesn’t pay much attention to them. He stated that one moment they can be writing something positive, and the next, they’re writing something negative. Beckham acknowledged that it can be hurtful to their families but stated that he doesn’t let it affect him too much.

The discussion then turned to Beckham’s recent collaboration with music industry mogul Damon Dash. Beckham explained that he met Dash while modeling for his clothing line and that the two of them hit it off. Dash, who is the CEO of rockefeller record company and Rocawear, encouraged Beckham to explore a different musical world. Beckham described the experience of working with Dash as “completely different” and “fascinating.”

Ross also mentioned that some people had questioned Beckham’s decision to pursue a career in music. Beckham acknowledged that there were expectations placed on him after leaving the Spice Girls, but he wanted to make music that he personally enjoyed rather than trying to conform to industry expectations. He mentioned that he had released a double A-side single with two different songs to test the waters and see what his audience preferred.

The conversation then veered towards Beckham’s potential as an actress. Ross expressed his belief that Beckham could be a successful actress and praised her on-camera presence. Beckham revealed that she had considered studying acting and agreed that it could be a fulfilling endeavor.

The interview concluded with Ross commending Beckham for how she handles the pressures of fame and her relationship with David Beckham. He noted the trust required in their marriage, especially considering the attention they both receive. Beckham acknowledged the hardships but expressed gratitude for their solid relationship and commitment to their family.

As the interview wrapped up, Ross cheekily commented on Beckham’s attractiveness and wished her the best of luck in her career, whether she continued with music or ventured into other endeavors. The episode ended with Beckham expressing her thanks and promising to call Ross for a night out with friends that included Jonny Wilkinson, Johnny Vegas, and Sir Ian McKellen.