Katherine Ryan, the talented actress and comedian, recently opened up about her decision to refrain from writing any more sex scenes. The revelation came during an episode of the popular talk show, The Jonathan Ross Show, where Ryan discussed her new series on Netflix called “The Duchess.” Apart from starring in the show, Ryan also took on the role of producer.

“The Duchess” has received incredible feedback, which made Ryan extremely pleased. The show revolves around a fearless and uncivilized single mother, a character Ryan resonates with and draws inspiration from her own experiences as a single mom. She commented, “Too many of us are too civilized. We’re expected to be stoic and nice. First and foremost, she’s not those things. She’s fashionably disruptive and she wants to have another child.”

Addressing the topic of being a single mother, Ryan expressed her love for the experience and how it shaped her relationship with her daughter. She emphasized that her life was not defined by the desire to find a man, which is often portrayed in romantic comedies. Although she occasionally falls in love accidentally, her main focus is spending quality time with her daughter.

In the interview, Ryan also delved into the initial challenges she faced as a single mother and the stigma surrounding single parenthood. She mentioned that there was a lot of shame attached to being a single parent and the assumption that they had limited options. Ryan acknowledged allowing herself to feel unworthy attracted negative experiences and people. She strongly believes that self-worth and pride are essential in attracting positive relationships.

Speaking about “The Duchess,” Ryan described the show as a wild and naughty romantic comedy that pushes boundaries. Her daughters love the fact that she portrays an unapologetic woman who is content with herself, regardless of society’s expectations. However, one aspect of the show proved to be challenging for Ryan – performing a sex scene.

Ryan explained that she wrote the sex scene to establish the intimacy between her character and her on-screen boyfriend. However, she discovered that actually performing the scene was incredibly cringe-worthy and difficult. Ryan humorously quipped that she would have found it easier to have real sex on camera, as it would have allowed her to let loose and showcase her personality. She joked, “But no, I won’t be writing any more sex scenes ever again.”

Transitioning from stand-up comedy to acting was another topic of discussion during the interview. Ryan humorously credited her ability to move her face, thanks to abstaining from Botox for a year, as her initial qualification for acting. She expressed admiration for her fellow actors’ talent but playfully called them liars and suggested they should be punished.

The Jonathan Ross Show also featured Claire Balding, who shared her own acting aspirations. Balding revealed her desire to take on challenging roles, mentioning a film called “Dreamhorse” in which she plays a character named Claire Balding. The two actresses humorously discussed the possibility of getting Botox, with Ryan playfully asserting that not having Botox allows her more facial expressions and the ability to overdo it in a role convincingly.

Katherine Ryan‘s candid interview on The Jonathan Ross Show provided an entertaining insight into her experiences as a single mother and her latest venture, “The Duchess.” Her decision to avoid writing future sex scenes only adds further intrigue to her already impressive career.