The Jonathan Ross Show recently aired an episode featuring KSI, the famous YouTuber turned musician. In this captivating chat show appearance, KSI opened up about the beginnings of his YouTube journey and the challenges he faced along the way.

During the interview, Jonathan Ross asked KSI about how he first started on YouTube. KSI revealed that it all began when he started recording videos at home as a teenager, around the age of 15 or 16. Initially, he focused on gaming videos, particularly FIFA and Call of Duty. However, as he started showing his face and voice, he faced a backlash from subscribers who criticized his appearance.

Despite losing some subscribers, KSI persevered and worked hard to make a name for himself on YouTube. Eventually, his dedication paid off, and he reached a point where he was invited to appear on The Jonathan Ross Show. This achievement was a significant milestone for KSI, and it showcased the success he had achieved through his online career.

Discussing his realization that making a career out of YouTube was possible, KSI explained that he noticed other people making money from their YouTube presence. This revelation inspired him to explore the potential of his own hobby and turn it into a lucrative venture. With hard work and determination, KSI began earning more money than his teachers, leading him to prioritize his YouTube career.

However, KSI faced a hurdle when it came to convincing his parents. As the child of African parents, KSI explained that they initially had different plans for his future – the typical aspirations of becoming a doctor or lawyer. When he expressed his desire to make online videos, his parents were skeptical and concerned about exposing himself to the public. After some back and forth, his parents eventually realized the financial potential of his YouTube career and gave their support.

Additionally, KSI had an exciting collaboration with the renowned artist Craig David, which was a dream come true for him. The collaboration came about when KSI sent his track to Craig David, who was impressed with the song’s potential. They both worked together to create a hit record, and KSI was delighted to have Craig David‘s support.

During the interview, KSI revealed that his initials, JJ, actually stood for “Knowledge, Strange, Integrity.” While many people call him KSI, his friends also refer to him as JJ. Jonathan Ross was curious about the origin of the nickname, but KSI admitted that he himself didn’t know where it came from. However, he mentioned that it has become a standard way for people to address him.

Overall, KSI‘s appearance on The Jonathan Ross Show was a captivating and insightful experience. It showcased his journey as a successful YouTuber-turned-musician and shed light on the challenges he faced along the way. KSI‘s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring content creators, emphasizing the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the ability to overcome obstacles in pursuing their passions.