Robbie Williams recently made an appearance on “The Jonathan Ross Show” and shared some interesting stories about his life during the lockdown and a hilarious incident at a concert. As a father of four, Robbie admits that the lockdown experience has been challenging yet rewarding. He has been able to spend quality time with his children and be a stay-at-home dad, which he describes as a beautiful silver lining amidst the pandemic.

Although Robbie hasn’t started teaching his children any specific wisdom just yet, he believes that manners are crucial. He emphasizes the importance of saying “please” and “thank you” and making eye contact when talking to grown-ups. Robbie also mentions that when he encounters well-behaved and polite children, it immediately raises his estimation of their parents.

During the show, Robbie also had a delightful exchange with comedian Judi Love, who revealed that she was a big fan of Take That back in the day. Judi admitted that she couldn’t afford tickets to see Robbie live, but she did attend a Blue concert instead. She excitedly shared her experience of witnessing girls in the crowd throwing bras on stage, which inspired her and her friends to join in the fun. However, things took an unexpected turn when Judi’s friend’s bra accidentally landed on one of the singers’ faces. The hilarious incident left them struggling to hold up their giggles and carry their bras, as they hadn’t planned for the journey back home with their arms full.

Amidst the laughter, Judi jokingly expressed her belief that there should be a bra collection point after concerts. She vividly described security guards discussing the various sizes and styles of bras that were thrown onto the stage, including a massive granny bra. Judi and her friends hilariously insisted that the bra was not theirs, leading to an awkward yet comical situation.

In addition to discussing his personal life, Robbie also touched on his music career. He revealed that his song “Let Me Entertain You” was the play-on music for the big chain of comedy clubs he used to own, called Jean Glare’s. Every time he hears the song, it brings back memories of his career in the comedy club business, although he admits that it sometimes makes him feel a bit queasy.

Robbie Williams‘ appearance on “The Jonathan Ross Show” was filled with entertaining stories and lighthearted moments. From his experiences as a dad during the lockdown to Judi Love‘s wild concert adventure, the episode offered audiences a glimpse into Robbie’s life beyond the spotlight. It’s clear that even during challenging times, Robbie’s sense of humor and charisma shine through, making him a beloved guest on any talk show.