During a recent episode of The Graham Norton Show, viewers were treated to an unexpected and amusing exchange between two Hollywood stars. Colin Farrell and Bryan Cranston, who were guests on the show, shared the hilarious story of how Farrell ended up giving Cranston pink eye in both of his eyes.
The conversation began with Norton mentioning how often Farrell appears on the show, with Cranston jokingly referring to him as his roommate. The two actors had just come from the premiere of their film at the London Film Festival, adding some glamour to the chat show.
As Norton dived deeper into their professional history, it came to light that Cranston and Nicole Kidman had worked together in the past, with Kidman admitting she had held a knife to Cranston’s throat. Cranston followed up by mentioning their time working on Paddington, where they filmed a scene while hanging upside down. The discussion took a comedic turn as Cranston expressed his concern for Kidman’s well-being, fearing that the blood might rush to her head and cause brain damage.
The conversation then shifted to Farrell and Cranston’s work on the film Total Recall. Farrell recalled how during a highly physical scene filmed in a puddle of water, they contracted pink eye. It turns out that crew members would often step into the water, inadvertently contaminating it. Cranston even added a quirky twist to the story, confessing to defecating in the water as a prank to disrupt his co-star.
The revelation left the audience and fellow guest Jane Fonda in fits of laughter. The unexpected and lighthearted banter between Farrell and Cranston made for an entertaining segment of the talk show, showing the camaraderie between the two actors.
While the air date for this particular episode is not provided, viewers can anticipate more memorable moments like this on The Graham Norton Show. With a reputation for bringing together A-list celebrities and facilitating candid conversations, the show continues to prove why it remains a favorite among talk show enthusiasts.
In conclusion, the story of Colin Farrell giving Bryan Cranston pink eye in both eyes added a humorous twist to their appearance on The Graham Norton Show. The candid and playful exchange between the two actors entertained both the audience and fellow guest Jane Fonda, leaving a lasting impression of the lighthearted atmosphere that the show is known for.