In a recent episode of the talk show “Alan Carr: Chatty Man,” Ariana Grande made a surprise appearance for what seemed like a slumber party with host Alan Carr. The transcript reveals the playful banter and energy between the two as they enjoy each other’s company.

The segment starts with Ariana jokingly questioning Alan about the slumber party concept. She quips, “Oh, you told me we were having a slumber party. Was this just to see if I’d actually show? I prepared!” Alan explains that he suggested the idea, and Ariana enthusiastically agreed.

As the festivities kick off, Ariana surprises Alan by descending the stairs in full slumber-party mode. Alan admits he thought she was having a breakdown when he saw her coming down. Ariana, ever the fun-loving host, asks Alan, “Did you want me to have a slumber party?”

The duo settles down for a chat and some snacks. They chat about a Starbucks drink named after Ariana called “Ariana Grande.” Alan seems shocked but confirms that it is a real thing. They take a sip and continue their conversation. They shift gears to discuss Ariana’s album, “Dangerous Woman,” and how it represents her current artistic space. They bond over their shared love for the song “Moonlight,” and Alan playfully asks if Ariana has ever killed someone, in reference to her being a dangerous woman. They both laugh it off.

Ariana highlights the variety of genres on her latest album, from R&B to pop. Throughout the conversation, they interject with light-hearted humor. They even poke fun at each other’s appearance, with Alan jokingly mentioning Ariana’s impressive nails and suggesting press-ons for him.

The segment also includes a clip of Ariana singing acapella in an Easter-themed outfit, showcasing her powerful vocals. They discuss the origin of the unique latex bunny mask she wore in the performance, which was made by talented ladies in Rome. Ariana reveals that she prefers a “bumless trouser kinda man” look, inspiring Alan to try out the outfit. However, he jokingly complains that it’s cutting into his skin.

Their playful banter continues as they discuss Ariana’s talent for impressions. Alan playfully requests an impression of himself, which Ariana attempts using a face-changing app. They both share a laugh over the funny imitation. They playfully exchange banter about their appearances and decide to try impersonating each other. Ariana does a quick impression of Alan, showcasing her witty humor.

As the segment wraps up, Alan jokingly suggests that they should never have children, considering their humorous personalities. They both laugh at the idea, ending the slumber party segment on a light-hearted note.

This episode of “Alan Carr: Chatty Man” showcases the engaging and lively conversation between Ariana Grande and Alan Carr. Their chemistry and playful banter make for an entertaining and enjoyable watch. Fans of the talk show and Ariana Grande are sure to appreciate the lighthearted and candid atmosphere of this slumber party-themed episode.