Niall Horan Opens Up About Life After One Direction on The Jonathan Ross Show. In a recent episode of the popular chat show, Niall Horan talked about his post-One Direction journey and the possibility of a reunion.

When asked about getting back together with the boys, Niall responded with a quick swivel in the chair, indicating that it’s still a topic of conversation. While he didn’t provide a definitive answer, he mentioned that they don’t talk about it a lot, but he’s still in touch with most of them.

Niall also shared that they all have their own successes and are enjoying their individual paths. However, when queried about being a godfather to any of their children, he sadly admitted that he isn’t. Although he jokingly mentioned pretending to be busy when asked, it seems like he’s not opposed to the idea.

The topic of a One Direction reunion has been a burning question for fans. Niall admitted that he would be up for it if everyone wanted to do it. However, he acknowledged that the chances are slim, especially considering Zayn’s lack of enthusiasm. Niall believes that getting all the members in the same room and having a genuine conversation would be the first step, although he’s unsure when that will happen.

Reflecting on his time in One Direction, Niall described it as a whirlwind experience. He traveled all over the world for five years, playing in stadiums and releasing five albums. While he enjoyed it, there were frustrations as well. Niall shared a memory of being unable to leave a hotel in Lima, Peru, due to thousands of fans waiting outside. He realized that as much as he wanted to explore the places they visited, work obligations often took precedence.

Niall’s candid conversation with Jonathan Ross offered insights into his life after One Direction and his openness to a reunion, provided everyone is on board. While fans eagerly await any news about a possible reunion, Niall continues to focus on his solo career and relishes his newfound success.

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