On a recent episode of The Jonathan Ross Show, the world’s fastest man, Usain Bolt, made an appearance that had the audience in awe. The Jamaican sprinter, also known as the “fastest man on planet Earth,” sat down with Jonathan Ross for a chat that was as entertaining as it was informative.

Bolt, who has won numerous Olympic gold medals, talked about his incredible track record and his plans for the future. With his signature charm and infectious smile, Bolt shared his thoughts on being the fastest man alive. “It’s great, it’s wonderful,” he said. “I can see people and say, you know, I can beat you, I can be faster than you.”

But being the fastest man in the world comes with its challenges. Bolt admitted that he sometimes sits down and realizes the magnitude of his achievements. “I’m actually the fastest man on the planet,” he said with a grin. “It’s fun to think about beating everyone on TV or every country I visit.”

During the interview, Bolt also addressed some of the rumors surrounding his career and future plans. When asked about breaking his own world record of 9.58 seconds in the 100 meters, Bolt said, “I think it’s possible. I’ve done it in training, but I take it really easy during practice. It’s not as easy as it looks.”

Apart from his athletic prowess, Bolt also shared some insight into his personal life. He mentioned that his mom loves to travel, and he jokingly said he could always buy her out of trouble. Bolt revealed that he enjoys unwinding by riding his quad bike, despite his coach’s disapproval.

One of the highlights of the interview was when Bolt talked about his playful rivalry with actor Mickey Rourke. He revealed that they once raced each other in the streets of London, and while Rourke tried to cheat, Bolt still came out on top. “It was cool,” Bolt said. “I shouldn’t imagine that he posed much of a challenge.”

Throughout the interview, Bolt’s infectious energy and charismatic personality shone through. He even demonstrated some of his victory dance moves, leaving both Ross and the audience in stitches.

As the interview came to a close, Bolt thanked Ross for having him on the show and expressed his love for the UK. He explained that he would be staying in the country for a little while longer, with a few more races to go before his season wraps up.

It’s clear that Usain Bolt‘s speed and charisma have made him a force to be reckoned with in the world of athletics. Whether it’s breaking records or inspiring others, Bolt continues to leave his mark on the sport. And with his larger-than-life personality, he proves that being the fastest man in the world doesn’t mean you can’t have fun along the way.