Channing Tatum, the charismatic actor known for his role in “Magic Mike,” made an exciting announcement during his recent appearance on “The Graham Norton Show.” Tatum revealed that a third installment of the popular film franchise is in the works, and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever before.

In the interview, Tatum expressed his unexpected desire to continue the “Magic Mike” saga after the success of the live shows based on the films. He acknowledged the incredible energy and response from the audience and realized that there was still more to explore in the world of male stripping.

Describing his vision for the upcoming movie, Tatum stated, “I want to make like the super bowl of stripper movies. I want to have ballet stripping, I want to do it all.” He emphasized his aim to create a film that would be the ultimate spectacle in the genre, leaving no room for any future stripper movies.

But Tatum’s plan doesn’t end there. He also highlighted his intention to have a strong, equal female role in the film. Recognizing the importance of representation and empowerment, Tatum wants to ensure that the female characters stand out as powerful and significant.

While Tatum confirmed that the film would be set in London, no further details about the cast were mentioned during the interview. However, when asked about the progress of casting, Tatum revealed that they were still in the process of finding the right actors for the movie.

As the conversation continued, the discussion turned light-hearted when Tatum jokingly suggested that fellow guest Johannes Radebe, a professional dancer, could potentially join the cast. The playful banter between Tatum and Radebe added a humorous touch to the interview, showcasing the lively atmosphere of “The Graham Norton Show.”

The interview took an unexpected turn when a surprise guest, Dawn Fred, emerged from the audience. Dawn, claiming to be from the 80s, congratulated Tatum on his willingness to take risks in life. She then astonished both Tatum and the audience by declaring that Tatum had just agreed to marry her daughter, with Tatum’s spontaneous nature getting the better of him.

The surprise proposal brought even more excitement and laughter to the set, highlighting the unexpected and unpredictable nature of live talk shows like “The Graham Norton Show.”

As the interview concluded, fans were left eagerly anticipating the release of the third “Magic Mike” film. With Tatum’s dedication to creating a show-stopping experience and his commitment to portraying strong female characters, it’s clear that this next installment will be nothing short of spectacular.

So, get ready for the ultimate stripper movie experience, filled with jaw-dropping performances, exhilarating choreography, and a new level of empowerment. Keep an eye out for more updates on the cast and release date as production of the highly-anticipated film progresses.