On a recent episode of “The Late Late Show with James Corden,” the host attempted to break a unique Guinness World Record. The talk show, known for its entertaining segments and celebrity guests, never fails to bring laughter and surprises to its audience.

In this particular episode, James Corden shared some interesting news about the pandemic. With Omicron numbers falling dramatically, health officials announced that 73% of Americans are now immune to the variant, making them better equipped to fight off other variants as well. This positive development was met with cheers and applause from the audience, and James Corden jokingly remarked that “licking strangers is back, baby!”

Moving on from the pandemic news, James Corden discussed Tesla’s recent recall of more than 500,000 vehicles. The recall was due to an unsafe feature called the “boombox,” which allowed drivers to play goat and fart noises outside of their vehicles. Despite the recall, the host couldn’t help but find humor in the fact that even electric cars, like Teslas, are cutting down on gas emissions.

During the conversation, James asked his guests what sounds they would choose if they had the option to blast any exterior noise from their cars. The responses ranged from ultrasonic frequencies to shattering glass, but the consensus seemed to be that a fart noise was undeniably funny.

The talk show also tackled the topic of waving in different parts of America. James jokingly expressed his disdain for the lack of waving culture in Los Angeles, where he currently lives. He shared a humorous story about how he let someone go on the road, expecting a wave in return, but instead received an obscene gesture. This led him to follow the person for 11 minutes, just to make a point about the importance of waving etiquette.

The highlight of the episode came when James Corden introduced a video clip of a man from Yemen breaking a Guinness World Record. The man managed to balance four eggs on top of one another, end-to-end. The audience erupted in applause and James expressed his amazement, even going so far as to ask if they could get him on the show.

Inspired by this feat, James decided to attempt his own egg stacking record. With the help of his guests, they gathered eggs and attempted to stack them without breaking. The suspense and anticipation built up as each egg was delicately placed on the stack. Unfortunately, their efforts fell short, and James was left devastated by his inability to break the record.

As always, “The Late Late Show with James Corden” provided a lively and entertaining episode filled with humor, interesting news, and unexpected moments. The talk show continues to captivate audiences with its engaging segments and celebrity guests, making it a must-watch for late-night entertainment.