On a recent episode of the talk show Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, the legendary actress and comedian Whoopi Goldberg made a memorable appearance. The audience erupted with applause as she took the stage, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation.

Goldberg, who is famously known for her fear of flying, spoke about her journey to the United Kingdom for the show. She revealed that she took a 10-hour course offered by Virgin Air to overcome her fear of flying. Despite her initial reluctance, she decided to face her fears and made the trip to London.

During the interview, Goldberg touched on various topics, including her previous jobs before becoming a well-known performer. Surprisingly, she mentioned that she had worked in a mortician’s office. She described her role in recreating damaged faces using wax and doing makeup.

Goldberg also discussed her breakthrough in the entertainment industry. She shared her experience of writing to Alice Walker, who authored the book “The Color Purple,” which eventually became a Steven Spielberg film. Spielberg himself saw Goldberg’s one-woman show and offered her a role in the movie. Although initially hesitant, she eventually accepted and won an Oscar for her performance.

The conversation turned to the popular film “Ghost,” in which Goldberg starred alongside Patrick Swayze. Goldberg revealed that she is still in touch with Swayze, who is currently dealing with health issues. She spoke highly of Swayze as a person and mentioned his dedication to his work.

Jonathan Ross also pointed out Goldberg’s involvement in the musical adaptation of “Sister Act.” She expressed her admiration for Maggie Smith, who starred alongside her in the original film. Goldberg mentioned that the musical version is different from the movie and features new songs and an expanded story.

The interview concluded with a discussion about politics and Goldberg’s romantic life. She admitted considering a career in politics but expressed concerns about her past controversies. Goldberg emphasized her belief in the power of people and the importance of engaging in productive conversations.

As the interview came to an end, Goldberg graciously thanked the audience and bid farewell. The episode provided fans with an insightful look into Goldberg’s life and career, leaving everyone eager to see what she has in store next.

Overall, Whoopi Goldberg‘s appearance on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross was filled with laughter, interesting anecdotes, and valuable insights. It showcased her charismatic personality and reminded viewers why she continues to be a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.