During a recent episode of The Jonathan Ross Show, actress Julianne Moore revealed a hilarious story about working with music legend Elton John on a movie. Moore praised John’s talent and described him as a wonderful person. However, she admitted that she had a hard time containing her excitement while filming with him.
Moore shared that she tried to maintain a professional demeanor for weeks but eventually “lost it” and couldn’t hide her fan-girl moment any longer. She confessed that back when she was just 16 years old, she attended one of John’s concerts and even got to go backstage because her friend was a roadie. As John walked by her, she realized that was the moment her love for him began.
Luckily, Elton John was incredibly understanding and kind about Moore’s outburst. He recalled the incident with a smile and mentioned how he found it amusing that Moore was starstruck by him. Moore and John bonded further as they reminisced about the concert and the experience of working together on the film.
The conversation then turned to another exciting topic – the upcoming biographical film about Elton John‘s life. It was revealed that the film, produced by Elton John‘s production company and Matthew Vaughn’s production company, would be a musical fantasy rather than a traditional biopic. The movie will focus on the early years of John’s career and feature his iconic songs.
The most surprising detail shared during the interview was that fellow talk show host Jonathan Ross himself would be playing the role of Elton John in the musical. Ross expressed his excitement about the project and mentioned that he would be doing both the acting and singing in the film. His previous singing performance on The Jonathan Ross Show received positive feedback, showcasing his beautiful voice.
Discussing the film’s style, Ross mentioned that it would depict the flamboyant and extravagant side of Elton John‘s stage presence, which earned him fame and adoration. Furthermore, he revealed that the movie was planning to be the world’s first R-rated musical, promising to deliver an uninhibited portrayal of John’s life.
To give the audience a sneak peek into the film, Ross brought out a pair of glasses reminiscent of those worn by Elton John. He first tried them on himself, jokingly referencing a previous segment on the show where he wore Eddie Eagle glasses. Then he offered the glasses to Moore, who commented on how accurate they looked. Although the air date for the film was not disclosed, Ross hinted at a possible first look.
This exciting revelation left fans thrillingly anticipating Ross’s portrayal of the iconic musician in the upcoming musical. With the combination of Ross’s acting and singing talent, and the larger-than-life story of Elton John‘s early years, this film promises to be a memorable and dazzling experience for both longtime fans and newcomers alike.