Nicole Kidman recently appeared on the talk show ‘Friday Night With Jonathan Ross‘, and it seems she had a hard time taking the interview too seriously. As the conversation started, the host Jonathan Ross complemented Kidman on her stunning beauty and outfit, mentioning that he expected nothing less from her.

Jonathan Ross, known for his playful interviewing style, delved into Kidman’s life, specifically discussing her recent arrival in the UK for the premiere of her new movie. Kidman mentioned that she had taken some time off and was just hanging out in Australia before coming to the UK. Ross then asked her about her hobbies, and Kidman admitted that she didn’t have many, except for swimming in the ocean. She shared a heartwarming story about her 90-year-old grandmother who swims every day and joked that maybe she has good teeth and doesn’t need glasses because of it.

The conversation then took an interesting turn when Kidman mentioned her love for swimming in the ocean in Australia, despite the presence of sharks. Ross expressed concern about the sharks, but Kidman reassured him that she doesn’t worry about them because they don’t like her teeth. She even revealed that she goes diving with sharks, though she encourages leaving them alone.

As the interview continued, Ross seamlessly shifted the conversation to Kidman’s upcoming plans, mentioning that she would be attending the musical adaptation of Billy Elliot and reuniting with the director of one of her previous movies, Stephen Daldry. He playfully added that he’s there for her.

The host then complimented Kidman, comparing her to an old-time movie star, praising her glamour. He even mentioned a conversation he had with Lauren Bacall the previous day, where she spoke highly of Kidman. They briefly discussed the actress’ career and her ability to transform into various roles with ease.

The interview took a lighthearted turn when Ross brought up Kidman’s early career and her distinctive ginger curly hair. Kidman revealed that her hair was actually dyed ginger when she was 14 for a movie role. She reminisced about the experience, admitting that she initially disliked the hair color but grew to love it in the end. Ross humorously mentioned how she could’ve taken inspiration from Skippy, the kangaroo, a popular show in Australia during her childhood.

The conversation then shifted to Kidman’s latest film, ‘The Interpreter’, in which she starred alongside Sean Penn. Ross described it as a tense thriller, teasing a scene between Kidman and Penn at the end of the movie. Kidman expressed her love for acting and how it helped her get through difficult times in her life.

Ross then transitioned to Kidman’s other upcoming project, the movie adaptation of ‘Bewitched’. They discussed the different take on the classic show and the inclusion of comedy star Will Ferrell in the cast.

The interview ended on a positive note, with Ross thanking Kidman for appearing on the show and expressing excitement for her new movie releases.

Overall, Kidman’s appearance on ‘Friday Night With Jonathan Ross‘ was filled with playful banter, lighthearted conversations, and a glimpse into the life of one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Despite some moments of hilarity and lightheartedness, Kidman’s passion for her craft and her ability to transform into diverse characters shone through.