In a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, Elon Musk made an interesting announcement that has sparked a lot of conversation. The tech billionaire, who is known for his involvement in companies such as SpaceX and Tesla, expressed his desire to end Twitter’s ban on former President Donald Trump.

During the interview, James Corden engaged in a lighthearted conversation with guest Rebel Wilson about their high school experiences. While Rebel expressed her disdain for high school and her lack of interest in going back, Elon Musk had quite a different perspective. He revealed that he loved high school and wouldn’t change a thing if given the chance to go back. Musk nostalgically described the ideal existence of sitting in a classroom, learning interesting facts, and indulging in movies.

However, the conversation quickly shifted when it was time for the news segment. James Corden informed the audience that President Biden had met with the Prime Minister of Italy earlier in the day, making a lighthearted joke about the Prime Minister being referred to as “Freddie Spaghetti” by President Biden. The news segment then took a surprising turn when the topic of Elon Musk‘s Twitter acquisition came up.

Musk revealed that if the acquisition goes through, one of the first things he intends to do is lift the permanent ban on Donald Trump‘s Twitter account. He argued that permanent bans should only be reserved for bots, scams, and spam accounts, suggesting that Trump’s account falls under the category of a scam. This sparked a lively debate between Corden and Musk, with Corden expressing his disapproval of lifting the ban.

The conversation then took another lighthearted turn as they discussed Prince Charles delivering a speech in the Queen’s place during the official state opening of Parliament in London. Corden humorously suggested that Prince Charles imitated the Queen’s voice during his speech.

In the latter part of the show, the topic shifted to streaming giant Netflix, who announced that they will be introducing ads to their platform sooner than expected. Corden jokingly expressed his concern about commercial breaks interrupting the suspense of finding out if something is or isn’t cake.

The episode concluded with a hilarious discussion about a new musical premiering on TikTok, titled “Mexican Pizza.” Produced by Taco Bell and featuring Doja Cat and Dolly Parton, Corden humorously expressed disappointment in not landing the role of the Cheesy Gordita Crunch.

As always, The Late Late Show with James Corden provided an entertaining mix of celebrity interviews, humor, and current events. With Elon Musk‘s announcement about Twitter and the lively banter between Corden and Musk, there is no doubt that this episode will leave viewers with plenty to discuss.