In a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, actor Chris Pratt joined the host for a game of “Where’s Your Teddy,” which put a hilarious twist on the traditional TED Talks we are all familiar with. In this game, the presenter has done zero research, spent zero hours rehearsing, and has zero idea what the topic is going to be. The only aid they have is a clicker to navigate through a PowerPoint presentation, which they have never seen before.

Reggie Watts, the show’s bandleader and the only person who has actually done a TED Talk, kicked off the improvised presentations. His topic? “How to Tell Your Loved Ones You Plan to Be Mummified.” As Reggie navigated through his slides, he delved into mummification techniques used by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Sardozians, Growl Flarks, and of course, the Egyptians.

Adding a touch of humor, Reggie mentioned a meme that distracts from the scary nature of mummification. He also highlighted the influence of fluctuating temperatures in the United States on mummification practices. Regions with higher temperatures, represented by the color red, were more likely to have dedicated mummification enthusiasts, while the green areas showed less interest. As he concluded his talk, Reggie humorously advised against mixing rockets and turtles, as speed and slowness are essential factors in mummification.

Up next was Chris Pratt, who embarked on his improvised TED Talk titled “How to Lie About Having Seen Citizen Kane.” With wit and charm, Pratt acknowledged that Citizen Kane is hailed as one of the greatest films in cinematic history. However, he humorously pointed out that most people haven’t actually seen it themselves. He playfully blamed it on having a pretentious nephew who attended film school and won’t stop talking about it.

Pratt further emphasized the importance of image over truth, suggesting that the ability to convince others that you have seen Citizen Kane is what truly matters. He even shared a hilarious anecdote about a “World’s Horniest Dad” shirt, asserting that anyone can pretend to be well-versed in the film. According to Pratt, all it takes is a confident presence, a memorized response to the famous question about the meaning of “rosebud,” and the willingness to assert that you have seen the iconic movie.

Lastly, James Corden took the stage with his own unconventional topic, “When Is the Right Time to Tattoo Your Child?” Corden humorously showcased a tattoo on the back of his 11-year-old son, discussing the size and timing of child tattoos. He expressed the belief that the right time to tattoo your child is always, emphasizing the significance of the “trauma” that builds resilience and fearlessness.

Corden went on to compare the longevity of tattoos to the temporary nature of toys, arguing that corporate greed wants parents to continually buy new playthings. In his conclusion, he implored parents to consider tattooing their children, asserting that if they don’t, they might as well spend their lives “kissing a fish.”

This improvised TED Talks segment on The Late Late Show with James Corden delivered laughs and showcased the comedic prowess of Chris Pratt, Reggie Watts, and James Corden himself. It reminded us that even though TED Talks are usually well-researched and rehearsed, spontaneous and comedic versions can be just as entertaining.