During a recent appearance on The Late Late Show with James Corden, Luke Evans shared his exciting experience being a part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Evans explained that he had the honor of driving a Land Rover, a vehicle that has a longstanding history with the royal family. The Land Rover he drove was an old one, dating back to the 1930s. Despite its age and limited speed, Evans had a blast driving it through the streets of London with hundreds of thousands of people cheering him on. The host, James Corden, couldn’t help but express his concern about driving such an old car, but Evans assured him that it was a slow and safe ride. Evans even mentioned that his partner joined him in the car, sparking curiosity among the audience.

The conversation then shifted to Corden’s recent trip to Europe. Corden mentioned visiting Italy and France, where he is recognized as the famous Dr. Phil. The talk show host acknowledged that his show, The Late Late Show, is dubbed into different languages for international audiences. Corden wondered how some of his colloquialisms and sayings are translated. This led to an amusing discussion about the challenges of translating idioms and expressions, with Corden sharing some of his favorite southern sayings from his upbringing.

The conversation took a turn as both Evans and Corden discovered they had previous experience working in nightclubs. Evans admitted to working the door at a nightclub in London’s Soho district, while Corden worked as a bouncer in a club in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They both reminisced about dealing with rowdy clubgoers and the interesting situations that unfolded. Corden, being the comedian he is, cheekily asked Evans if he ever accepted bribes to let people in, to which Evans jokingly alluded to the possibility.

Following their fun nightclub stories, they touched upon Evans’ new movie, the live-action version of Disney’s Pinocchio, in which he plays the role of the Coachman. The conversation amusingly segued into a discussion about lying. While Pinocchio’s nose grows whenever he lies, both Evans and Corden confessed to being terrible liars themselves. Evans even shared a recent experience during a card game where he was easily caught fibbing. Dr. Phil, famous for his expertise in spotting dishonesty, shared some tips on how to detect a liar, including changes in eye contact, increased blink rate, and body language cues such as feet pointing towards the exit.

The conversation concluded with a light-hearted exchange about whether any of these lying-detection techniques made it into the script of Pinocchio. With their humorous banter and entertaining anecdotes, Luke Evans and James Corden once again proved to be captivating guests on The Late Late Show.