In a recent episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, the host made a surprising discovery during the show. While chatting with the audience, Corden spotted an audience member who stole the show with his cool and unique style. Kevin Hadley, who introduced himself as Scotty, stood out with his distinctive appearance, prompting Corden to acknowledge him as the “coolest audience member” he’s ever seen.

Moving on to the news segment, Corden discussed Donald Trump‘s rumored plans to launch his 2024 presidential campaign after the midterm elections. Corden humorously commented on Trump’s track record, suggesting that another campaign might not be the best idea.

Continuing with the news, Corden shared the story of a new dog-exclusive restaurant in San Francisco. The restaurant offers multiple-course meals for dogs, featuring extravagant dishes like chicken skin waffles and steak tartare with quail egg. Corden couldn’t help but joke about the dog’s possible requests for a meal that resembled its own parts.

Corden then delved into a heartwarming story from Scotland, where a cat missing for five years was found on an oil rig. The host comically remarked that the headline should have been “Bonnie Kitty Found Our Boys,” emphasizing the feel-good aspect of the story.

With Halloween just around the corner, Corden couldn’t resist discussing some entertaining Halloween moments. He praised actress Kerry Washington for dressing up as Lionel Richie, effortlessly capturing his essence. Corden’s enthusiasm for the creative costumes and festive spirit was evident throughout.

The talk show host also shared a funny story of an office meeting gone wrong. A woman in Scotland showed up dressed as Ali G, only to realize she was the only one in costume. Corden joked about the awkwardness of the situation, suggesting that the woman should have stayed in character and owned her costume.

As the show wrapped up, Corden couldn’t contain his excitement about a special Halloween-themed episode of The Great British Baking Show. The segment showcased contestants dressed as iconic horror characters, including Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, the possessed girl from The Exorcist, and even actor Josh Gad. Corden humorously commented on their baking adventures and crowned Gad as the Star Baker.

In true Corden fashion, the host rounded off the show with a mix of amusing and lighthearted news stories. The Late Late Show with James Corden continues to entertain viewers with its infectious energy and delightful surprises. Stay tuned for more unforgettable moments from this beloved talk show.