In a recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show, host Claudia Winkleman shared an amusing story about her daughter’s brilliant lie to avoid doing homework. The talk show, known for its entertaining and humorous interviews, provided the perfect platform for Claudia to divulge this hilarious incident.

During the episode, Claudia discussed how chefs often resort to lying, leading to a conversation about the concept of “specials” at restaurants. She mentioned that the specials board can sometimes be misleading, giving the impression that certain dishes are easy to make when, in reality, they require much skill and expertise.

This discussion prompted Claudia to reveal her own penchant for lying, particularly when it comes to her children. She shared how she often tells her kids little white lies, such as pretending she hasn’t found Nutella when they ask for it. Her children even believe that iPads don’t work in residential properties, though Claudia admits she has no idea why they think that.

However, Claudia’s daughter took lying to the next level when she invented a clever lie during a parent-teacher meeting. The 16-year-old, who was supposed to be revising for her exams during lockdown, convinced her teachers that her household had a lack of Wi-Fi. Claudia found out about this lie during the meeting, with the head of year apologizing for their apparent Wi-Fi troubles. Claudia was taken aback, as she knew her home had full Wi-Fi connectivity.

The situation became even more amusing when Claudia’s daughter had emailed the school, requesting them not to mention the Wi-Fi issue to her parents because she didn’t want to embarrass them. Claudia couldn’t help but find the cleverness in her daughter’s lie, even though she refrained from backing her up during the meeting.

As Claudia shared this story on The Graham Norton Show, the audience erupted in laughter. It’s moments like these that make talk shows like Norton’s so entertaining. The relaxed atmosphere allows celebrities to share these relatable and humorous anecdotes, turning a simple conversation into an enjoyable and memorable segment.

In conclusion, Claudia Winkleman‘s appearance on The Graham Norton Show provided a delightful and entertaining platform for her to share her daughter’s brilliant lie to avoid doing homework. The chat show, known for its lively interviews, allowed Claudia to bring light-heartedness and humor to the screen. It’s moments like these that remind us why talk shows like The Graham Norton Show are so popular amongst viewers.