In the latest episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden, the audience was treated to a hilarious segment called “Emoji News.” Host James Corden presented a news story written only in emojis and challenged the audience to decipher its meaning.

Henry, a confident audience member from Chicago’s Northern suburbs, was the first to volunteer. Surprisingly, he admitted that while emojis are a part of his life, he isn’t a big user. When asked about his most frequently used emoji, Henry mentioned smiling faces and, with a mischievous smile, eggplants. To everyone’s surprise, Henry’s significant other, Judy, was sitting in the audience, and it was revealed that she is the recipient of these eggplant emojis. The crowd erupted in laughter, while Judy playfully ignored the hidden meaning behind the eggplant.

Next up was Rachel from New Jersey, currently studying television production in Los Angeles. She took a look at a new emoji news story, which appeared to be about someone stealing a bunch of staplers from a supermarket. Rachel’s analysis wasn’t too far off, as South Florida police had recently arrested a man who attempted to rob a grocery store, holding a stapler instead of a weapon. Fortunately, the man was caught easily since he remained stationary instead of making a quick getaway.

As the segment continued, Grayson from Nicaragua, another student studying at USC, joined the fun. Grayson and her roommate, Beer, were roommates for six months, making them regular “Late Late Show” viewers. Grayson revealed that her only quibble with Beer was her obsession with Harry Styles. However, she couldn’t be mad at her roommate over that.

When Grayson was presented with the next emoji news story, she deciphered it as a man attempting to rob a bank, but ultimately getting caught while trying to escape through a toilet. Though the interpretation wasn’t entirely accurate, it was close enough. In Michigan, officials apprehended a man who had stolen from a bank and attempted to hide in a porta-potty. The police probably had an unforgettable surprise waiting for him.

That concludes this entertaining and laughter-filled segment of “Emoji News” on The Late Late Show with James Corden. Stay tuned for more memorable moments and celebrity interviews on this beloved talk show.