Joanna Lumley Experience Kissing A List Celebrities & Traveling The World | Alan Carr: Chatty Ma

On the latest episode of the popular talk show, Alan Carr: Chatty Man, the absolutely fabulous Joanna Lumley graced the stage. Joanna Lumley, known for her roles in acting, presenting, and modeling, proved once again why she is a national treasure with her charming and humorous presence.

As she sat down with Alan Carr, the host, the audience erupted in applause. Carr wasted no time and immediately asked Lumley what she would like to drink. Lumley, always full of surprises, revealed a bottle of Bolly, her favorite champagne, making for a delightful start to the conversation.

Lumley, known for her love of the young Queen on British money, expressed her adoration for the monarch's timeless image. She jokingly mentioned that it's refreshing to see the queen stay the same age on the currency, unlike in real life where everyone continues to grow older. Lumley's wit and humor set the tone for an engaging interview.

The conversation took a lighthearted turn as Carr mentioned Lumley's reputation for not being a fan of girls getting drunk. Lumley gave some advice to be cautious in life, although she admitted to not having touched a drop herself. She playfully bantered with Carr, giving him a taste of his own medicine for jokingly criticizing her. Lumley's charm shone through as she proved once again why she is considered one of the loveliest women in show business.

The topic shifted to Lumley's past experiences, and Carr brought up her alleged connection to marijuana. Lumley didn't deny it, acknowledging that in the 60s, she tried a bit of it, just like many others did. She shared a hilarious anecdote about cooking marijuana into little pies, showcasing her adventurous spirit. Lumley's no-filter approach and willingness to share stories made for an engaging conversation.

Carr then delved into Lumley's unique perspective on getting out of a car without showing one's underwear. Lumley explained that in the past, when wearing short skirts and stockings, women had to be mindful of not showing too much. She humorously described the technique of keeping one's legs glued together, conjuring imagery of a mermaid. Her animated storytelling added an entertaining element to the interview.

The discussion turned to Lumley's iconic role in the beloved sitcom Absolutely Fabulous. When asked about the possibility of a film adaptation, Lumley revealed that she herself doesn't know if it will happen. Lumley praised Jennifer Saunders, the creator and writer of the show, for her unique and independent nature. Lumley's genuine admiration for her co-star and friend was evident as she spoke about their collaboration.

Lumley then surprised the audience with her involvement in a Martin Scorsese film, The Wolf of Wall Street, alongside Leonardo DiCaprio. She emphasized her initial excitement and nervousness at the opportunity to work with DiCaprio, whom she admired. Lumley described him as professional, charming, and taller than she expected. She humorously revealed that kissing scenes took a bit of getting used to, provoking laughs from the crowd.

Carr playfully questioned Lumley about her husband's reaction to her on-screen escapades with A-listers. Lumley responded with a touch of sarcasm, mentioning that her husband conducts operas and is familiar with the dramatic world of kissing scenes. Lumley impressed with her ability to balance her personal and professional life, all while maintaining a sense of humor.

The interview concluded with discussions about Lumley's adventurous documentaries, including her experiences being stranded on an island and making shoes out of a bra. Lumley's tales exemplified her resilience and resourcefulness, captivating the audience with her audacity and wit.

As the interview ended, the audience erupted into a standing ovation, applauding Lumley for her candidness and entertainment value. Joanna Lumley's appearance on Alan Carr: Chatty Man was a true testament to her status as a national treasure and her ability to captivate audiences with her magnetic personality and fascinating anecdotes.