On a recent episode of the popular talk show “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross,” renowned host Jonathan Ross had the pleasure of interviewing the legendary singer Tom Jones. The interview was lively, engaging, and filled with interesting stories from Tom’s illustrious career.

Jonathan kicked off the interview by expressing his excitement at having Tom on the show, especially during the snowy weather. Tom brought his own sunshine to the studio, and Jonathan wasted no time in discussing some of Tom’s remarkable past performances. Tom Jones has collaborated with almost every major name in Show Business, making their conversation a treasure trove of anecdotes and memories.

The conversation began with Jonathan asking Tom if he had ever performed with The Beatles. To everyone’s surprise, Tom revealed that he had not performed with them on the same shows but had shared the same bill with them. Tom expressed his admiration for The Beatles and the privilege of witnessing their greatness up close.

Elvis Presley was another name that came up, and Tom revealed that he had performed privately with “The King” but not publicly. Jonathan skillfully navigated the conversation to avoid controversial topics, ensuring a smooth exchange.

As Jonathan continued to delve into Tom’s memorable experiences, he asked Tom about the high points of his career and the people he most enjoyed performing alongside. Tom mentioned that one of the standout moments was performing with Jerry Lee Lewis, a personal favorite of his. Singing with the “killer” was a dream come true for Tom.

Frank Sinatra was another milestone for Tom, and although they did not perform together, Tom cherished the opportunity to hang out with him in Las Vegas during the late ’60s and early ’70s. The Rat Pack days were legendary, and Tom fondly recalled the era when lounges filled with top-class performers were plentiful in Las Vegas. He expressed his disappointment that many of these venues have vanished due to the focus on slot machines and commercialization.

Jonathan’s questions took a more personal turn as he explored Tom’s experiences with Sinatra and the other Rat Pack members. Tom revealed that he had gone drinking and gambling with them, showcasing his love for the good life. Their evenings in the vibrant city of Las Vegas were filled with camaraderie and joy, exemplified by their carefree attitudes and indulgence in drinks and good times.

The conversation moved forward, and Jonathan asked Tom about his long-standing relationship with Vegas, making note of his incredible 41-year legacy performing in the city. Tom shared that he had been performing there every year since 1968, and he believed that nobody else had held such a remarkable record. He spoke about his grand suite on the 29th floor of the MGM, complete with a personal lift and spiral staircase.

Not missing a beat, Jonathan delved into the topic of contemporary performers. He inquired about Tom’s interactions with younger artists who admire him, and Tom mentioned Robbie Williams as one of the rising stars who no longer drinks. Tom also shared the story of Gavin and Stacy stars Rob Brydon and Ruth Jones recording a Comic Relief single with him.

The interview took a lighthearted turn when Jonathan revealed a list he had written as a child, including silly goals like eating one’s body weight in Spangles and watching a fight between Noddy Holder and Roy Wood. An amusing request showed Jonathan’s admiration for Tom when he playfully asked if he could see Tom naked after the show.

As the interview neared its end, Jonathan and Tom discussed Tom’s latest album, which has a classic feel reminiscent of his earlier hits. Jonathan expressed his admiration for the album’s timeless sound, praising Tom’s ability to create music that withstands the test of time.

Before bidding farewell, another nostalgic clip from Tom’s appearance on “Happiness Island” in 1974 was shown. This clip exemplified the vivacity and talent that made Tom an iconic figure in the music industry.

Overall, Tom Jones‘s appearance on “Friday Night With Jonathan Ross” was a testament to his enduring star power and his ability to captivate audiences with his incredible stories and remarkable voice. It reinforced why “talk shows” and “chat shows” like this continue to be popular, offering viewers a chance to witness legendary artists like Tom Jones in their element.