In a recent episode of the talk show "The Jonathan Ross Show," actor Taylor Lautner showcased his incredible martial arts skills, leaving the audience in awe. Lautner, known for his breakout role in the "Twilight" series, discussed his journey in the entertainment industry and shared some memorable experiences.

At just 15 years old, Lautner auditioned for the first "Twilight" film and filmed it at the age of 16. It was a remarkable achievement at such a young age, considering the challenges most teenagers face. Lautner expressed gratitude for the opportunity but also acknowledged the odd and strange aspects of being thrust into the global spotlight.

He recalled a particularly intense moment in Brazil, where thousands of fans were waiting outside his hotel. The fans eventually broke down doors and forced hotel security to lock Lautner and his colleagues in their rooms until the Brazilian national guard arrived to handle the situation. Lautner described those 45 minutes as terrifying and a testament to the overwhelming fame he experienced.

Aside from his "Twilight" success, Lautner delved into his work on the British TV show "Cuckoo." He described the experience as different from working on big American movie sets, with a smaller crew and a more intimate atmosphere. Lautner praised the show's humor, citing actor Greg Davis as one of the funniest people in the world.

The conversation took a lighthearted turn as Lautner and Ross discussed the nuances of British slang, prompting some humorous exchanges. Lautner expressed confusion over the meaning of the word "cheeky," leading Ross to offer some examples and explanations. The actor also joked about his own misuse of the word "cheers" and received clarification on its proper usage.

Switching gears, the conversation shifted to Lautner's film "Tracers," a high-octane action-packed movie that allowed him to do his own stunts. Lautner explained that he had been practicing extreme martial arts since the age of six, which includes a combination of traditional karate, acrobatics, and gymnastics. He showcased his skills by performing impressive flips and demonstrating his proficiency with the bow staff, a weapon he trained with.

Lautner revealed that he achieved a black belt at the age of 10 and became a four-time world champion before he stopped practicing martial arts at 14. Despite no longer actively participating in the sport, he was still able to impress the audience with his agility and athleticism.

The segment concluded with Lautner graciously accepting praise from Ross and the audience. Lautner's appearance on "The Jonathan Ross Show" showcased not only his martial arts talent but also his charm and humor, leaving viewers entertained and eager to see what he has in store for the future.

Overall, Taylor Lautner's demonstration of his amazing martial arts skills on "The Jonathan Ross Show" was a highlight of the episode, adding a dynamic and captivating element to the talk show. Fans of Lautner and enthusiasts of martial arts alike were treated to a thrilling and memorable performance.