Amidst the chaos and political drama, Jimmy Kimmel Live continues to provide us with entertainment and a much-needed escape from reality. In the latest episode, Jimmy Kimmel wasted no time in diving into the ongoing fraud trial involving former President Donald Trump.

Trump, who never shies away from voicing his grievances, used the trial as an opportunity to air his frustrations about the gag order imposed on him in Washington. Claiming his right to speak was taken away, Trump seemed to overlook the fact that he was addressing 40 cameras at a press conference.

Not one to back down, Trump also took the opportunity to weigh in on the race for Speaker of the House, specifically targeting Jim Jordan. Despite singing Jordan’s praises, Trump’s enthusiasm did not translate into votes. Jordan fell short by about 20 votes and faced the disappointment of a failed confirmation. It seems that his unpopularity and a history of not speaking up, particularly in the face of a sexual abuse scandal during his time as a wrestling coach, worked against him.

As the Republicans struggle to unite, they are quick to lay blame on the Democrats for the current government dysfunction. However, it was the Republicans who initially approached the Democrats, seeking their support in electing a speaker. In return, they offered nothing and resorted to name-calling. The inability of the party to come together may lead to another government shutdown, with crucial military aid packages for Ukraine and Israel still pending.

President Biden, facing an impending shutdown and a risky trip to Israel, received a blow to his campaign with a surprise endorsement from rapper Wakka Flocka Flame. While this shift in support might seem puzzling, it’s worth noting that not everything is as it appears. Wakka Flocka Flame’s endorsement was unexpected considering his past tweets and reactions to Trump. But as the saying goes, “As goes Waka Flocka Flame, so goes Flock of Seagulls.”

In the realm of unlikely friendships, Mitt Romney claimed in his new book that Oprah Winfrey had once approached him about running for president in 2020 with him as her running mate. Team Oprah quickly dismissed the claim, questioning why she would want to be president when being Oprah is already remarkable. The idea of Romney and Oprah teaming up seems far-fetched, to say the least.

Meanwhile, former Vice President Mike Pence finds himself facing mounting debt in his struggling campaign. Despite his attempts to win over Republican voters, his associations with the events of January 6th seem to have worked against him. However, Pence is not one to give up easily. He has adopted a creative fundraising strategy with a Pence for President yard sale, offering items like his Fonzi jacket and Jesus-themed merchandise.

As Jimmy Kimmel Live continues to provide us with these light-hearted yet informative moments, we can’t help but appreciate the show’s ability to bring laughter to even the most chaotic of times. Stay tuned for more updates and entertainment from the world of late-night talk shows.