In a recent episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” host Jimmy Kimmel surprised his guest, Snoop Dogg, with a unique birthday celebration. As Kimmel explained, his family celebrates half birthdays, and he realized that Snoop Dogg‘s half birthday just so happens to fall on October 20th, which is also known as “420,” a day celebrated by marijuana enthusiasts. Kimmel couldn’t resist declaring October 20th as “DOGGFATHER’S DAY” and presented Snoop Dogg with an official proclamation.

Throughout the show, Kimmel and Snoop Dogg exchanged playful banter about Snoop’s contributions to the popularization of marijuana, rattling off several nicknames for the herb. The two encouraged viewers and enthusiasts worldwide to partake in the festivities by lighting up, sharing their “Satan’s spinach,” and paying tribute to Snoop Dogg as the ultimate “DOGGFATHER.”

The celebration didn’t end there. Kimmel and Snoop Dogg were joined by GMA’s Geo and were greeted with enthusiastic applause from the audience. Snoop Dogg‘s achievements were praised, and everyone was encouraged to participate in the special day. Kimmel even presented Snoop Dogg with the first-ever presidential medal of weed on behalf of President Biden.

Snoop Dogg expressed his gratitude and awe at the recognition, stating that he was at a loss for words. He called for unity and proclaimed that the nation should come together as “One Nation Under a bud leaf” to celebrate. The audience erupted with cheers and applause, endorsing Snoop Dogg‘s message.

Kimmel emphasized that Doggfather’s Day would be an annual celebration and urged everyone to mark it on their calendars. Banks and schools may close on this special occasion, but the dispensaries will surely be open, enticing marijuana enthusiasts to join in the festivities.

The episode ended with Kimmel promoting Snoop Dogg‘s upcoming projects, including his album “T with the Spoon” and his ventures into the world of food with Snoop cereal and Dr. Bombay ice cream.

As the show concluded, it was clear that this special celebration had united Snoop Dogg fans worldwide. Doggfather’s Day had successfully blended humor, appreciation, and entertainment, leaving viewers eagerly awaiting the next annual celebration.