John Dickerson, the veteran journalist known for his insightful reporting, recently made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. In this engaging interview, Dickerson discussed the challenges of reporting during wartime and provided some thought-provoking insights on the current political climate in the United States.

During the conversation, Colbert brought up Dickerson’s coverage of the Israeli-Gaza conflict and the difficulties of gathering reliable information in the midst of the “fog of war.” Dickerson emphasized the importance of having courageous reporters on the ground who risk their lives to provide firsthand accounts. He also stressed the need to “always center the human” in conflicts like these, reminding everyone that real people are impacted by the violence.

Dickerson also shed light on the cautious approach taken by CBS News in verifying the news they present. He mentioned the constant scrutiny from their standards department and the focus on ensuring accuracy in reporting. The repercussions of mistaken information were highlighted with the example of the hospital bombing in Gaza, which led to disruptions in President Biden’s schedule during his visit to the region.

Reflecting on the state of American politics, Colbert asked Dickerson for some historical context. With his usual wit, Dickerson pointed out the tendency for history to be forgotten too quickly. He mentioned the violence witnessed on January 6, 2021, during the attack on the U.S. Capitol, which he believes people are already beginning to overlook. He called for the preservation of recent history, emphasizing the importance of understanding and learning from recent events.

The discussion then turned to the polarization within American politics. Drawing on his expertise in American history, Dickerson compared the current situation to the violence that occurred on the Senate floor before the Civil War. He highlighted a book by Joan Freeman that explores the violence surrounding the issue of slavery. While acknowledging the tensions in today’s political climate, Dickerson was quick to point out that the violence during the Civil War era was far more extreme.

As the conversation shifted to recent incidents of aggression within the GOP, Dickerson acknowledged the intimation of violence within the party. He noted that such incidents underline the challenge faced by the new Speaker when interacting with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. Dickerson raised the question of whether political leaders should prioritize governance over adhering to partisan ideals, drawing an analogy between hiring a vegan to run a sausage factory and the inconsistencies within the party’s approach.

In his typical insightful and composed manner, John Dickerson provided an engaging and enlightening interview on The Late Show. His perspective on reporting during war and his historical contextualization of American politics shed light on the complexity of these topics. Viewers were left with a reminder to value and preserve recent history to guide and inform the present.