The latest episode of The Graham Norton Show featured a surprise performance from none other than Jennifer Aniston. The beloved actress delighted the audience when she sang a rendition of Sir Mix-a-Lot’s classic hit ‘Baby Got Back’. Aniston was joined by her co-star Jason Bateman as they discussed their upcoming film, ‘Horrible Bosses’. The audience erupted in applause as Aniston showcased her singing talent, proving once again that she is a multi-talented entertainer.

The talk show host, Graham Norton, couldn’t contain his excitement as Aniston took the stage. He joked about the American tradition of clapping for movie titles and wondered why they did it. Aniston playfully responded, admitting that she had never done it before. The conversation then led to a discussion about Aniston’s recent breakthrough on Instagram.

Aniston joined Instagram and quickly gained millions of followers, causing the social media platform to crash temporarily. Norton was curious about how it happened and asked Aniston to explain. Modestly, she shrugged off the credit and said that too many people were trying to follow her at once, causing a temporary glitch. Aniston set a record by reaching one million followers faster than anyone in history.

The conversation shifted to the Friends reunion, a topic that fans have been eagerly anticipating. Aniston shared a recent photo of the cast hanging out together, sparking further speculation about a potential reunion. She reminisced about the good times they had on set and mentioned that she considers her Friends co-stars to be like family. Reese Witherspoon, who played Aniston’s sister on the show, also joined the conversation, adding that it was a privilege to be a part of the Friends family.

Norton brought up an interesting fact about Aniston’s acting career. He revealed that she had never acted in front of a live audience before starring in Friends. Aniston confessed that it was initially terrifying, as she was constantly worried about messing up her lines. However, over time, she became more comfortable and found joy in performing in front of the friendly audience.

The host then engaged Aniston in a hilarious conversation about taking memorabilia from the Friends set. She admitted to taking a neon coffee mug from Central Park, which is now proudly on display in her office. The conversation shifted to Norton’s pub, where he mentioned having a Friends-themed quiz night. Aniston gamely agreed to participate and answered challenging trivia questions about the show, impressing everyone with her knowledge.

The episode ended on a high note, with Aniston and the audience celebrating her victory in the Friends trivia game. The lively atmosphere and Aniston’s infectious personality made for an entertaining and heartwarming episode of The Graham Norton Show. Fans of Aniston and Friends will undoubtedly have a great time watching this must-see episode.