On a recent episode of “The Ellen Degeneres Show,” the world of competitive Rock, Paper, Scissors collided with the world of chat shows when Ellen welcomed the new World Rock, Paper, Scissors Champion, Rob Krueger, to the stage. Rob, hailing from Toronto, Ontario, triumphed over hundreds of competitors from around the globe to secure his gold medal in this unique sport.

Ellen wasted no time in delving into the details of Rob’s victory, asking him how it felt to be number one. With a confident smile, Rob confidently replied, “I feel like a champ because I am the world champion of Rock, Paper, Scissors.” And his success was not just for show. Rob proudly revealed that he had won not only the title but also a trophy and a cash prize of $55,000 from Molson Canadian. That’s certainly worth playing for!

For those unfamiliar with the game, Ellen took the opportunity to have Rob explain the rules. “It’s a series of throws,” Rob elaborated. “There are three throws: rock, paper, and scissors. Rock crushes scissors, scissors slice paper, and paper smothers rock. Of course, it depends on the quality of the paper. If it’s like a tissue, the rock goes right through it.”

Excited to put Rob’s expertise to the test, Ellen invited both him and the audience to engage in a friendly game. “This is the kind of table they usually play on,” Ellen explained, pointing to the table on the stage. With their wrists up in position, they were ready to compete. Ellen brought over the show’s referee, Halston, to officiate the game.

It was decided that the best of five rounds would determine the winner. The tension mounted as the audience eagerly watched. On the first round, Rob’s rock triumphed over Ellen’s scissors, earning him the first point. Ellen, not one to back down, vowed to watch out for late throws. But Rob, with his determined strategy, was a force to be reckoned with. Round after round, they battled, with Rob maintaining the lead.

The room erupted with excitement as Rob secured the winning point, proving once again that he deserved the title of World Rock, Paper, Scissors Champion. Ellen, ever gracious in defeat, congratulated him on his victory. “You are the world champion!” she exclaimed.

As the show went to a commercial break, the audience anticipated what other surprises were in store. Little did they know that following the break, they would be entertained by legendary actress Doris Roberts.

In true Ellen fashion, this lively episode of “The Ellen Degeneres Show” gave viewers a taste of the unexpected, blending laughter, competition, and celebrity guests. Rob Krueger‘s triumphant presence on the stage was a reminder that even the simplest games can have a worldwide following and produce world champions.

Stay tuned for more exciting moments and captivating interviews on “The Ellen Degeneres Show,” where Ellen continues to bring joy to both her live audience and viewers at home.

Originally aired on November 5, 2003