On a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, Reggie Watts, the renowned musician, band leader, comedian, artist, and prankster, opened up about his early love for music and the impact it had on his life.

Growing up in a musical household, with parents who were passionate about various genres, Watts was exposed to a diverse range of sounds from an early age. His father, a Jazz enthusiast, and his mother, a fan of folk music, introduced him to different artists who would become his childhood heroes.

One such musical hero for Watts was Ray Charles. As a young boy, he was captivated by the way Charles effortlessly moved while playing the piano. Another surprising influence on Watts was Elvis Presley. His first record was an Elvis album, and he found himself impressed with “The Press,” a unique take on the iconic performer.

Watts’s parents recognized his talent and passion for music early on. They saw him mimicking Ray Charles and got him a toy piano to nurture his budding interests. At the age of five and a half, Watts began classical piano training, which he took to with enthusiasm. Not only did he enjoy the music, but he also relished the social aspect of being around other kids who shared his passion for music.

Reflecting on his multifaceted career, Watts emphasizes that music has been his secret weapon. It has allowed him to adapt and explore different artistic mediums. He sees himself as a creator, someone sitting amidst various tools, ready to pick and choose what resonates with him at any given moment.

Watts also shares how music served as his escape during challenging times. On the playground, when faced with hostility from bullies, he would sing catchy tunes like Olivia Newton-John’s “Let’s Get Physical.” Surprisingly, this tactic often diffused the situations, leaving the bullies perplexed and giving Watts a momentary respite.

The conversation between Watts and O’Brien meanders into a playful reenactment of a hypothetical encounter with bullies, with Watts hilariously showcasing his quick thinking and knack for defusing tense situations through music.

While the banter between Watts and O’Brien exudes lightheartedness, it delves into the power of creativity and art as forms of self-expression and empowerment. In Watts’s case, music not only brought him joy but also acted as a shield against adversity.

As the chat show conversation concludes, it becomes apparent that Reggie Watts is not easily categorized, and that is precisely what makes him such a dynamic and enigmatic figure in the entertainment industry. Whether he is leading a band, making people laugh, creating thought-provoking art, or pulling pranks, one thing is for certain – Reggie Watts is an artist who defies labels and continues to captivate audiences with his unique and indescribable talent.

In the realm of talk shows, Conan O’Brien remains a host who brings out the best in his guests, encouraging them to openly share their experiences, making for memorable and insightful moments. This exchange with Reggie Watts is yet another example of the engaging and entertaining conversations that take place on the show.

In “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” viewers are treated to not only hilarious anecdotes and captivating conversations, but also a glimpse into the multifaceted lives of celebrities like Reggie Watts. If you’ve ever wondered what lies behind the personas of your favorite stars, Conan O’Brien‘s talk show is where you’ll find the answers.