The conversation took an intriguing turn when Maddow and Colbert delved into the topic of fascism and its potential presence in current American politics. Maddow pointed out that during a recent Veterans Day speech, President Donald Trump labeled the left as “vermin” and “fascists.” This comment was not a slip of the tongue but a deliberate choice of words, as it was in his teleprompter and later posted online with the same language.

Maddow emphasized that this deliberate use of dehumanizing language is a tactic often employed by fascist dictators. Trump’s comment coincided with leaked information about his campaign’s plans to build camps for millions of people and his desire to invoke the Insurrection Act, which would allow him to use military force against American civilians.

When Colbert asked why there seems to be an interest in fascism among some people on the right, Maddow suggested that calling Trump a fascist might play into his hands. However, she acknowledged that Trump’s attempts to label his critics as fascists aim to strip these terms of their meaning, undermining any possible accurate assessment of his actions.

Maddow also discussed the current state of democracy, noting that a democracy in danger often shows signs of encroaching violence in the political sphere. She expressed concern over an incident in the Senate, where there was an actual threat of violence. Maddow emphasized that when violence becomes a tool in politics, it drives normal people away and creates space for individuals who seek power through force.

The conversation ended with a mix of seriousness and humor. Maddow described the situation as being in the “ven diagram where we live, right in the middle of super stupid and really bad.” She highlighted the importance of recognizing the warning signs and working to persuade fellow Americans away from embracing authoritarianism.

Maddow’s appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert provided a captivating discussion about fascism, its potential presence in American politics, and the need to safeguard democracy against rising threats. As she continues to shed light on important issues, Maddow’s work serves as a valuable resource in keeping the public informed and engaged.