Joel Kinnaman, known for his amazing acting skills and captivating performances, recently made an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. In this lively chat show, Jimmy Fallon couldn’t contain his excitement as he welcomed Kinnaman, a talented actor who has appeared on the show multiple times before.

During their conversation, Jimmy revealed a surprising fact about Kinnaman’s past – he used to be on a soap opera in Sweden called “Storstad.” The audience erupted in laughter as Jimmy showed a picture of a young Kinnaman with a cool-looking mullet. The actor humorously admitted that he had kept the mullet a secret for 30 years, only for Jimmy to expose it on national television.

The main topic of discussion was Kinnaman’s latest film “Silent Night,” a hardcore and intense action movie directed by John Woo. What sets this film apart is that there is not a single line of dialogue throughout the entire movie. Kinnaman revealed that he decided to go full method for his role, even going as far as not speaking for the entire two-month shoot.

This decision posed a challenge for Kinnaman’s personal life, as he would not be able to communicate with his fiancée, Kelly, during that time. Although she initially had reservations about the idea, Kinnaman’s dedication and passion for his craft won her over. The couple sought the help of a relationship coach to navigate this unique situation.

Kinnaman’s commitment to the role was tested immediately upon landing in Mexico City, where the film was being shot. Feeling a little lonely, he called his fiancée, forgetting that he was supposed to be silent. However, once he reached the set, he embraced the silence and remained committed to his character, even during intimate moments in the makeup trailer.

Despite this initial slip-up, Kinnaman successfully completed the film with the required silence. His performance in “Silent Night” is truly impressive, showcasing his range as an actor in a dialogue-less environment. The audience was treated to a thrilling clip from the movie, leaving everyone eagerly anticipating its release in theaters on December 1st.

This high-energy interview on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon gave viewers a glimpse into Joel Kinnaman‘s dedication to his craft and his ability to fully immerse himself in a role. With his talent and commitment, it’s no wonder Kinnaman continues to be a sought-after actor in the entertainment industry.