Our first guest on David Letterman‘s talk show was the talented actress Anne Hathaway. She was there to promote her new film, “Rachel Getting Married,” which was set to open in selected cities. Anne looked absolutely radiant, and she revealed that she had made some positive changes in her life.

One major change Anne made was quitting smoking, a habit she had kept secret for many years. She admitted that she had started smoking heavily during the filming of a movie but decided to quit for good. Along with quitting smoking, Anne also quit drinking and even gave up meat and fish. She described her new lifestyle as “veganish.”

During the interview, David Letterman humorously pointed out that the combination of drinking and smoking is usually inevitable, as one often leads to the other. Anne agreed and mentioned that one of the reasons she quit drinking was to avoid the temptation to smoke. David couldn’t resist joking about her “vaguely vegan” lifestyle and asked if she still enjoyed wearing leather and eating cheese.

Anne spoke about how these changes had positively impacted her life. She felt healthier, had more energy, and noticed improvements in her skin. David was quick to compliment Anne on her appearance, although he joked that she had always looked great.

Steering away from Anne’s lifestyle changes, David eagerly brought up the intriguing topic of her recent relationship with a con man. Anne admitted that the relationship had crashed and burned, but she didn’t go into specific details. She humorously stated that when it came to relationships, she was an “all or nothing” kind of girl.

Anne revealed that she had been dating this man for four years before discovering his true identity. Although she was hurt financially, she managed to keep her dog, which she deemed the most important thing. When David asked if she had any hints that something was wrong, Anne simply replied that the relationship was already on the rocks before the truth came out. She confessed that it was quite a shock to receive the news right after landing from a flight.

Moving on from the drama, David shifted the conversation back to Anne’s successful film, “Rachel Getting Married.” He mentioned that the movie had received critical acclaim at festivals such as Toronto and Venice, with the audience giving standing ovations. Anne explained that the film was a heartfelt American family drama, and she played the character of Kim.

As the interview progressed, David and Anne touched on the topic of gossip magazines and false rumors. While Anne admitted that she didn’t read them, her friends often called her to ask about rumored relationships. She jokingly mentioned that she had been linked to various celebrities, including Josh Lucas and even Emily Blunt.

Before wrapping up the interview, David showed a clip from “Rachel Getting Married.” The scene featured Anne’s character, Kim, expressing her frustration about not being chosen as the maid of honor for her sister’s wedding.

Overall, Anne Hathaway‘s appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show was entertaining and lively. She showcased her incredible transformation and shared amusing anecdotes about her personal life. With her new film generating buzz and positive reviews, it’s clear that Anne Hathaway continues to captivate audiences both on and off the screen.