During a recent interview on David Letterman‘s talk show, comedian and writer Will Forte reminisced about his experience on the show and shared some of his favorite moments. Forte, known for his work on SNL and in movies like “McGruber,” had a hilarious and memorable time on the show, making the audience laugh with his witty anecdotes.

Forte recalled his nerves when he first appeared on the show in June of 97. He had sent Dave a book of cartoons he had done called “101 things to definitely not do if you want to get a chick.” Luckily, Dave liked the cartoons and allowed him to submit a packet. Reflecting on it now, Forte believes it was the cartoons that caught Dave’s attention, as the rest of the packet was not as impressive.

As a comedian, Forte’s style of humor is somewhat weird and unique. He had written sketches for the Groundlings, a famed comedy troupe, where he would put his material on its feet. But performing on a late-night talk show was a whole different ballgame. Forte admitted that it was absolutely terrifying to be on the show, considering Dave as one of his comedy heroes.

One segment that Forte particularly loved was the absurd CBS mailbag, where he posed as a viewer named Matt from New Bedford, Massachusetts. He asked about a character called Muji Burn Sirul, and, in response, Dave and Forte showed a humorous clip featuring Muji Burn Sirul reporting the news. It was an utterly silly bit, but Forte couldn’t help but love it.

Another favorite aspect of the show for Forte was Dave’s video collection. He was assigned to find videos and worked incredibly hard to curate a collection of great clips. One standout segment involved a guide to mealtime etiquette titled “It’s Not Just Eating.” The video showcased funny clips and demonstrated how to deal with bones and gristle during a meal.

Forte also recalled a segment during which he was completely naked and had to interact with a stock of celery in an “unseemly way.” To his surprise, his mom had come to the set with her friends that day, and the look on her face was priceless. Despite the embarrassing moment, his mom was supportive, giving him the confidence to continue with the scene.

Before the interview ended, Forte addressed the future of “McGruber,” the popular SNL sketch turned movie. He revealed that although the movie is considered dead, there is always a chance for a comeback. Forte shared that he had recently auctioned off his iconic Miata from the show for a charity, but now, with the potential for more “McGruber” content, he might need another one.

Will Forte left the “David Letterman Show” with a deep sense of pride and gratitude. Though he wished he could have performed in a way that impressed his hero, Dave was wonderful to him. The experience was something Forte would never forget, and he expressed his sincere gratitude for the opportunity to work with his comedy idol.

In conclusion, Will Forte‘s appearance on David Letterman‘s talk show was filled with laughter, hilarious skits, and memorable moments. From his nervous debut to his favorite sketches and embarrassing on-set anecdotes, Forte’s interview brought a touch of entertainment to the screen. It’s clear that his time on the show was an absolute blast, and he is thankful for the experience.