In a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend,” the energetic and vibrant Sona Mesan couldn’t help but yell into the microphone, creating an entertaining and lively atmosphere. Joined, as always, by Matt Gorley, Conan inquired about Sona’s volume levels. Matt expressed his concern, jokingly stating that he had to “J it up” a little to match Sona’s energy.

Curious about Sona’s loudness, Conan questioned whether her Armenian background played a role in her volume. Sona confirmed this and shared that speaking loudly is a common practice in her household. Conan, known for his own dynamic performance energy, admitted to leaning into the microphone unnecessarily. He jokingly expressed his surprise, noting that he often assumes small fires are breaking out on Eduardo’s control board, referencing the sound engineer’s ability to handle Sona and Conan’s boisterousness.

Amidst the banter, Matt chimed in, admitting that both Sona and Conan have such powerful voices that he has to keep his headphones turned down to the point where he can also hear the outside sounds. Sona playfully explained that they prefer the term “dynamic” to describe their volume levels.

Laughing along, Conan acknowledged Sona’s clever response and admitted that he didn’t see it coming. He cheekily suggested that Sona’s loudness might be a problem when putting her children to sleep. However, Sona clarified that she’s just having fun and wants her kids to learn English alongside Armenian. She revealed that her children watch movies like “My Neighbor Totoro,” “The Fantastic Mr. Fox,” “Ratatouille,” and “Finding Nemo” to enhance their English skills.

Conan playfully asked if she was planning on teaching them the phrase “grow a pair,” to which Sona jokingly retorted that as little boys, they should grow two pairs instead of just one. Conversations shifted to Sona’s background, with Conan mentioning the familiar Irish phrases he grew up hearing, such as “Jesus Mary and Joseph” and “Jesus Christ.” Sona, not aware that Jewish people also use these phrases, expressed her surprise, highlighting the universality of such expressions.

This episode of “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend” showcased Sona Mesan‘s infectious energy and her hilarious conversations with Conan and Matt. Their dynamic and loud chemistry led to an entertaining and lively chat show experience that left viewers engaged throughout the episode.