During a recent episode of the popular talk show, The Graham Norton Show, actor Jamie Dornan was left utterly amazed by fellow guest Jack Lowden‘s incredible Christmas obsession. Lowden, known for his roles in hits such as Dunkirk and Mary Queen of Scots, revealed his deep love for the holiday season and his passion for constructing miniature Christmas villages.
As the conversation flowed, Lowden proudly shared a picture of his most recent creation, last year’s Christmas Village. The sheer size and intricate detail of the setup left everyone in awe. With snow-covered landscapes and tiny figurines populating the scene, it was evident that creating these villages is more than just a hobby for Lowden – it’s a true work of art.
When asked how long it takes to put together such an elaborate display, Lowden modestly described himself as somewhat of a “Jepetto.” However, he quickly clarified that he actually purchases the houses and figurines from garden centers and then personalizes them with his own design touches. To create realistic snow, he even revealed a surprising ingredient – cat litter. Yes, you read that right. The actor uses cat litter as “snow” to sprinkle over his miniature landscapes.
The attention to detail in Lowden’s Christmas Village is astounding. From an ice-skating rink complete with moving magnets to a choir that sings, every element has been meticulously crafted. Even the figures in the village move, creating a truly enchanting scene. One particularly charming touch is a couple going up and down behind a hedge while watching a child sitting on a bench. Lowden’s village even has a name – Nimet – a homage to a village he once drove through near Bath.
Upon seeing Lowden’s creation, Jamie Dornan couldn’t help but express his admiration, proclaiming it the “best Christmas” he’d ever seen. And it’s hard not to agree. Lowden’s Christmas Village is truly a sight to behold, with its attention to detail and impressive scale. The combination of music, moving figures, and the overall festive ambiance makes visiting Nimet a magical experience.
While the air date for this episode of The Graham Norton Show is yet to be announced, fans of both Jamie Dornan and Jack Lowden are eagerly anticipating its release. In the meantime, we can only imagine the Christmas wonder that awaits us in Nimet.