In a recent episode of the popular talk show, The Jonathan Ross Show, comedian Kevin Bridges came to the defense of fellow comedian Romesh Ranganathan for his voice acting in the movie Chicken Run 2.

During the episode, Romesh revealed that he provides the voice for Nick the rat in the highly anticipated sequel. When Jonathan asked Romesh about his voice acting, Kevin interrupted to show his support, explaining that Romesh had to use his voice to portray the character authentically.

Romesh explained that he had to adopt a rat-like accent for the role, which prompted Jonathan to question how the rat actually sounded. Romesh obliged and gave a quick demonstration, showcasing his portrayal of a wheeler-dealer rat.

The conversation then shifted to Ariana Grande, who also does voice acting in the film. Ariana shared her excitement about her character, Asha, a beautifully brown character with braids and freckles. She expressed her love for the character and the Disney animated film.

The conversation veered off-topic briefly, but Romesh brought it back to the movie, reminding everyone that they were supposed to be promoting Chicken Run 2. Despite the slight detour, Kevin and Ariana complimented each other on their respective voice acting roles.

Romesh also discussed the challenges of voice acting, particularly when he had to imagine specific scenarios, such as falling out of a hot air balloon and being chased by a robot chicken. He admitted that it was difficult to make the required noises, but overall, he enjoyed the experience.

Jonathan then turned the conversation to Kevin, asking if he had done any acting besides his work on stage. Kevin revealed that he believed he would excel at voiceovers, as people often recognized his distinctive voice. He shared a funny anecdote about being mistaken for Boy George and even joked about being the voice of SAT-NAV.

Towards the end of the segment, Jonathan praised Romesh for his upcoming tour, revealing that someone he knew had already purchased tickets. Romesh expressed his gratitude, but also mentioned that he had not heavily promoted the tour yet. The conversation then transitioned to discussing Romesh’s new talk show, Hustle, which he is a big fan of comics.

Overall, the episode of The Jonathan Ross Show proved to be an entertaining and lively conversation between Kevin Bridges, Romesh Ranganathan, and Ariana Grande. The talk show provided a platform for these talented individuals to discuss their acting roles, inject humor into the conversation, and promote their upcoming projects.