Joanna Lumley recently appeared on the show Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, where she looked back on her extensive acting career. Lumley, known for her roles in shows like The Avengers and Sapphire and Steel, discussed various aspects of her life and work during the interview.

The conversation began with Lumley talking about her connection to the Gurkha regiment, as her father served in the military. Lumley shared how her involvement in fighting for the rights of retired Gurkha soldiers to stay in the UK came about. She explained that initially, the government had allowed retired Gurkhas to stay in the country, but this policy was eventually deemed unlawful by the high court. Lumley, along with a small team of lawyers, worked tirelessly to overturn the government’s decision and fight for the rights of these brave soldiers.

The interview then shifted focus to Lumley’s other endeavors, including her support of the Green Party and her love for nature. Lumley emphasized the importance of taking care of the environment and highlighted the need for planting trees and ensuring clean water for our future. She spoke passionately about her desire to become a forester or an arborist, stating that trees are essential for the world to thrive.

The conversation also touched on Lumley’s smoking habits, with Ross playfully asking her about her daily cigarette intake. Lumley admitted that the number of cigarettes she smokes varies depending on the situation, but she expressed that she enjoys smoking and has no plans to quit.

Throughout the interview, Lumley reflected on her acting career, discussing her roles in popular shows like The Avengers and Sapphire and Steel. She shared anecdotes about her experiences on set and expressed her gratitude for the opportunities she has had in the industry.

The interview concluded with Lumley discussing her involvement in the film Mamma Mia. She expressed her enjoyment of working with the talented cast, including Jennifer Saunders, and the fun they had on set. Lumley’s participation in the film, along with the star-studded cast, greatly contributed to the success of the last Comic Relief event, raising an astounding £90 million.

In the end, Lumley’s appearance on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross was a captivating look into her life and career. Her charm, wit, and genuine passion for various causes made for an entertaining and inspiring interview.