During a recent episode of Conan O’Brien‘s talk show, actress Minnie Driver shared an amusing story about her nine-year-old son Henry’s role in keeping her in line. As a single mother, Driver has a lot on her plate, but she revealed that Henry takes on a parental role with her. Their close bond became evident when Henry sat his mother down for a serious talk about some important matters.

In his deep voice that makes him sound remarkably like an adult, Henry broke some news to Driver that shattered her perception of childhood innocence. He revealed that the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus are not real. Despite Driver’s initial sadness and tears, Henry reassured her that she would eventually get over it. It’s clear that Henry is a thoughtful and compassionate young man, even when delivering tough news.

Driver, who is originally from England, shared that her strict parenting style is partly influenced by her English background. Manners were a significant part of her upbringing, and she recalls being swiftly reprimanded if she exhibited bad behavior at restaurants. This upbringing has carried over into her own home, as she expects the children who visit to adhere to similar standards. She jokingly mentioned that she can be their worst nightmare, channeling an “awful Mary Poppins” persona. For example, she expects children to eat their spaghetti bolognese properly before indulging in jelly and ice cream. While some may find her approach intimidating, it’s clear that Driver values the importance of good manners.

Driver also discussed the stereotypes surrounding British and American cultures. She believes that the British are often portrayed as overly proper, while Americans are seen as more laid-back. However, she acknowledged that these stereotypes are not always accurate. Having become an American citizen herself, Driver shared her theory that perhaps the American rejection of old British traditions, like strict manners, was a reaction to the country’s fight for independence.

With their lively banter and light-hearted conversation, Minnie Driver and Conan O’Brien entertained the audience as they explored various aspects of parenting and cultural differences. It’s always a treat to witness the chemistry between guests and hosts on talk shows like Conan, and Driver’s appearance was no exception. If you missed the episode, be sure to catch the highlights online and indulge in a good laugh.