Justin Hartley, known for his role in the heartwarming series “This Is Us,” made a lively appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” to talk about his new show, “Tracker.” Hartley’s charismatic energy was palpable as he discussed his transition from an emotional drama to an action-packed thriller.

Colbert wasted no time in acknowledging the excitement in the audience, welcoming Hartley with warm applause. Colbert mentioned that fans of “This Is Us” may be wondering if “Tracker” would evoke tears like its predecessor. Hartley assured them that the new show offers “more action and less crying,” a relief for those who may have found “This Is Us” emotionally draining.

As Hartley described “Tracker,” it became apparent that this show is the complete opposite of the emotional rollercoaster that was “This Is Us.” He excitedly emphasized that his character, a Tracker, gets involved in thrilling pursuits, running, jumping, and even hanging off things with just one arm. The character is highly skilled at tracking and finding people in ways that are hard to believe. Hartley’s enthusiasm for the physical aspect of the role was evident, making it clear that he is thoroughly enjoying the change of pace.

When asked by Colbert what exactly a Tracker is and how tracking helps in fighting crime, Hartley playfully responded that even he is still learning about it. Trackers possess a unique ability to find things and are analogous to detectives. While Hartley drew comparisons to characters like Aragorn in “The Lord of the Rings,” he clarified that his character’s tracking skills go beyond putting an ear to the ground or analyzing crushed leaves. His Tracker finds people where others wouldn’t, spotting clues that only he can see.

The conversation took a lighthearted turn when Colbert inquired if Hartley had learned any tracking skills for the show. Hartley revealed that he sometimes challenges the writers when the tracking seems too easy, suggesting more difficult scenarios. Although he didn’t divulge specific examples, he expressed excitement in discovering unique ways to track that he wouldn’t have thought of before.

As the interview continued, Colbert shifted the focus to Hartley’s character as a survivalist in “Tracker.” Hartley explained that his character, while not quite the stereotypical “prepper,” is well-prepared due to a challenging upbringing. Hartley’s character can survive in the wild, making him resourceful and adaptable. Given his outdoorsy capabilities, Colbert humorously questioned if Hartley could survive in the wild for a week, to which Hartley replied confidently in the affirmative.

Hartley shared some personal experiences with nature, recounting a childhood filled with outdoorsy adventures. He contrasted his upbringing with modern times, raising his daughter, where the approach to outdoor activities has changed significantly. Hartley described his childhood as resembling a constant camping experience, with freedom to explore during the summers so long as he returned home before dark.

The interview concluded with a brief discussion about the premiere of “Tracker” following the Super Bowl. Hartley mentioned that he would be attending the game and expressed his excitement for the premiere. While he hoped to watch it with his wife or anyone in Las Vegas, where the game took place, he acknowledged that he might end up viewing it alone due to work commitments immediately after.

Justin Hartley‘s appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” showcased his enthusiasm for his new series, “Tracker.” With his charming personality and infectious energy, Hartley left the audience eagerly anticipating the thrilling adventures his character would embark upon. The transition from a tearjerker like “This Is Us” to an action-packed show like “Tracker” has undoubtedly captivated fans who are eager to see the more adventurous side of Justin Hartley.