In the latest episode of the popular talk show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, host Jimmy Kimmel delivered a hilarious monologue covering a range of topics, including former President Donald Trump‘s ongoing legal battles, his complaints about unflattering photos, and a bizarre conspiracy theory involving singer Taylor Swift. The episode, which aired on an undisclosed date, kept viewers entertained and engaged with Kimmel’s signature wit and humorous commentary.

Starting with the legal issues surrounding Trump, Kimmel highlighted the former president’s attempts to dismiss his criminal trial in New York, where he is accused of violating campaign finance laws. Trump’s defense? Paying women hush money is not a crime. Kimmel cleverly pointed out the absurdity of this defense, joking that Trump paid a staggering amount for a combined 35 seconds of intimate encounters.

Moving on to Trump’s complaint about unflattering photos, Kimmel playfully mocked the former president’s obsession with his appearance. Trump claimed that a certain photo made him look chubby, but failed to provide any context or specifics about the picture in question. Kimmel humorously speculated on which photo Trump might be referring to, showcasing different images of the former president.

The talk show host then delved into a peculiar conspiracy theory involving Taylor Swift. According to a poll from Mammoth University, nearly one in five Americans believe that Swift is part of a government scheme to reelect Joe Biden. Kimmel comically dissected the conspiracy theory, highlighting the outlandish nature of the claims and mocking the poll respondents’ gullibility.

Continuing with the theme of conspiracies, Kimmel addressed Tucker Carlson‘s recent visit to Russia to interview Vladimir Putin. Despite Carlson’s reputation as a hard-hitting journalist, Putin stated that he was not asked any difficult questions during the interview. Kimmel seized the opportunity to jest about their interaction, playfully suggesting that Carlson’s attempts to ingratiate himself with Putin fell short.

The talk show host then took aim at a conspiracy theory regarding Russia’s alleged plan to place a nuclear weapon in space to disrupt satellite communications. Kimmel humorously speculated on the potential ramifications of such a plan and jokingly referenced the importance of uninterrupted access to online adult content.

Lastly, Kimmel lightened the mood by conducting a Valentine’s Day-themed poll at a local farmers market. The poll, which aimed to determine whether couples had been intimate the previous night, elicited funny and unexpected responses. Kimmel engaged with the audience, playfully guessing whether each couple had “done it” or not, based on their reactions and answers.

In conclusion, Jimmy Kimmel Live once again delivered an entertaining and amusing episode, packed with witty banter, humorous observations, and playful jabs at current events and popular culture. Whether discussing Trump’s legal woes, Swift’s supposed involvement in conspiracy theories, or Carlson’s encounter with Putin, Kimmel kept viewers engaged and entertained throughout the episode.