Bruce Willis, the star of the hit TV series “Moonlighting” and the upcoming movie “Die Hard,” made his first appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. The audience was buzzing with excitement as Willis took the stage.

During the interview, Carson asked Willis why it took so long for him to be invited on the show. Willis jokingly replied, “They don’t like me much, huh?” He then admitted that he couldn’t figure out what to say to Carson, but he was thrilled to finally be there.

Just as Willis settled into the interview, a button popped off his suit. Carson humorously offered to auction it off, but Willis graciously declined. The conversation steered towards the tabloids and the false rumors they spread. Willis shared that he had faced his fair share of scandalous stories but believed that it was just a part of the business.

Carson delved deeper, asking Willis about the worst thing that had been written about him. Willis laughed as he recalled a story about a talking grizzly bear chasing him out of Yellowstone Park. In reality, the bear was trying to get a role on Moonlighting, but the tabloids spun the tale into something wild and sensational.

As the interview continued, Willis mentioned that his wife, Demi Moore, was in the audience. Carson acknowledged her presence but didn’t want to intrude on Willis’s personal life. Willis revealed that they were expecting their first child soon, which led to a humorous discussion about the costs of baby supplies.

Willis recounted his recent trip to buy a stroller and how the salesperson tried to upsell him on various accessories. He joked that he convinced his wife to have more children to make the purchases worthwhile. The conversation then turned to diapers and the new baby wraps available on the market.

Carson couldn’t resist probing into Willis’s past before he became a successful actor. Willis shared an embarrassing job he had as a Sesame Street character, Oscar the Grouch, during a promotion at Saks Fifth Avenue. He described how he grew grouchy in the costume and ultimately took off the Grouch head, leaving the job unfinished.

Wrapping up the interview, Willis expressed his excitement about his upcoming movie, Die Hard. He revealed that it would be released in 25 cities in 70mm Six-track Dolby stereo, a rare treat for moviegoers. A film clip was shown, showcasing an intense action scene where Willis’s character had to escape from a building.

Overall, Bruce Willis‘s appearance on The Tonight Show was lively and entertaining. He shared amusing anecdotes and showcased his down-to-earth personality, leaving the audience wanting more. It’s safe to say that Willis’s star power was on full display that night.