Esther Povitsky recently made her debut appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon,” bringing her unique and hilarious stand-up routine to the stage. The talk show host welcomed Esther, who is currently starring in the film “Drugstore June,” which is now playing in theaters.

With plenty of energy and laughter from the audience, Esther began her set by announcing her pregnancy and engagement. At 35 years old, she humorously acknowledged that she may look like a tired 12-year-old, but she assured everyone that she is indeed expecting. She added that she had been engaged for the past six years, admitting that it didn’t bode well for her impending nuptials, even though two of those years were during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Esther comically shared her experience of briefly changing her last name to her fiance’s before eventually changing it back. She confessed that the decision was more about a personal rebranding than anticipation of marriage. Offering some cheeky advice to women, she encouraged them to take their partner’s last name without asking and to change it across all their social media platforms. According to Esther, this gesture demonstrates seriousness and a touch of insanity, the perfect combination to make men fall in love.

However, she also admitted that if her fiance’s friends had an issue with the name change, it would be a red flag. Unrelatedly, Esther amusingly expressed her disdain for men having friends, comparing it to a mom you don’t necessarily want but ultimately need. She concluded this topic by humorously suggesting responding to her fiance’s friends’ inquiries about the last name change with flirtatious counter-questions.

Despite her love for attention, Esther revealed that she doesn’t want a wedding. She explained that she doesn’t want to share the spotlight and doesn’t want to witness her parents’ happiness. Additionally, she joked about not wanting to spend a significant amount of money on an event her sister, who she perceives as skinnier and prettier, would also enjoy. Esther even touched on her unique desire to postpone the wedding until her grandmother passes away, who she hilariously described as one of those grandmas that seemingly won’t die.

As the set progressed, Esther playfully embraced her pregnancy and the age difference between her and her 45-year-old fiance. She expressed excitement about the new experiences they would share and humorously hinted at a potential life after him. Esther mischievously joked about saving money, just in case her future husband makes less money than her current fiance.

Bringing her performance to an end, Esther thanked the audience for their support and left the stage on a high note. Her stand-up routine on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” was a testament to her sharp humor and comfortable delivery.

In conclusion, Esther Povitsky‘s appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” showcased her comedic talents and unique perspective on relationships, marriage, and the prospect of impending motherhood. With lively anecdotes and well-timed jokes, Esther left the audience in stitches and further established herself as a rising star in the entertainment industry.